Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Art of Happiness

Reading Dalai Lama's "The Art of Happiness" is a joyful experience, profound with its simple message and common senses.

After reaching the last pages of the book, I feel  like emerging out from a long retreat and contemplation. I am  intellectually nourished and physically reinvigorated. It was one of such books, that really have enriched my knowledge, perspectives and understanding of human psychology, the path to true happiness. A great handbook for living, that brings much warmth and compassion so close, that by embracing principles and techniques discussed, myself feel in a state of blessing.

 Dalai Lama is known to be a realistic and pragmatic.  His books are examples of what are the possibilities for human beings for better.

Some of the interesting topics such as the sources of happiness, facing suffering, training the mind for happiness and so on are very beautifully dealt and dotted with interesting anecdotes, really life incidents and examples. That made it very unique book.  His Holiness the Dalai Lama explains the concepts and Buddhist philosophy, which in turn are being interpreted, illustrated and commented  by a renowned Western psychologists. Indeed, it has the best of the Eastern philosophy and the Western modern science. A groundbreaking collaborative works on the art of happiness.  Shedding more light on the bright side of human psyche and its potential.

While all the chapters are are so relevant and important from a learning prospective, I am particularly amused by some of the down to earth anecdote that the Dalai Lama shared with the audience. His co author ones noted how the Dalai Lama is so unpretentious and unassuming. One afternoon in Tucson, The Dalai Lama had been commenting on a Shantideva's guide to Bodhisattva's way of life. When he come across a complex logic, he confessed its difficulties and said that with great humiliation, that they better leave it to a robust laugh from the audience. He shared a joke. "The expression is like an old person eating, ---an old person with a very poor teeth.The soft things you eat, the hard things you just leave".

Reading the Dalai lama's thoughts and philosophy is equivalent of  listening to his real speech.  The messages f the book, has universal appeal.  The Art of Happiness is undoubtedly a great legacy for humanity. It is the  Bible mankind. This book has to be kept as refer to it. It is insufficient for just one time reading.  As I learnt it is a sequel, so I will read the other two, The Art of Happiness on Living, and The Art of Happiness In a Troubled World.


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