Sunday, September 5, 2010

Candidates & Cadence

News commentators say one of Obama's greatest political strength is his oratory. And he has won the presidency by way of words. Now in president's office, Obama speaks like a law professor, beginning his speech in a dull and monotone, and explaining the technical issues , his nonchalant manner has infuriated the public or for that matter, his rating nosedived.

an impassioned eulogy can bring us to tears,an humorous speech can make us a good belly laugh,  an inflammatory speech can make us enraged. The power of public speaking to inspire, to influence and to energize the public is undeniable. At a time of economic crisis in America, some inspirational messages are much needed to uplift the spirit of American. The Tibet nation is dying and its people have reached an important crossroad. The Tibetan people have the choice of being a  passive spectator to the slow but steady death of the nation in the jaws of communist dragon, or fight back with all its might and die in the battle field. Tibetan people needs inspirational speakers with great oratory skills, speaker who can move the people to act, and a speaker who can make the Tibetan people aware of  the fire on head. As I am following the Kalon Tripa candidates speeches, and debates. I yearn that at least one candidate will exhibit the fury of oratory.  I remind all the candidates as widely approved in the west that , that they should campaign in poetry and govern in prose.

Tibetan language is rich with saying and proverbs. The candidates best bet is to include those time tested terse/maxim, in their deliberation, which not only appeals the Tibetan masses, but also it is a way of bridging the gap between the older and younger. Candidates who are familiar with traditional Tibetan proverbs and saying has a definite edge over other candidates.   Be aware the majority of the voters are elder people and the best way of reaching out to them is to speak their tone and cadence.

The Tibetan people form the perception of the Kalon candidates based on what they say,how they say. The clarity of their thoughts, good grammar, and word choice will make a big difference.  Employing Tibetan proverbs and saying will elevate the message and the language, projecting a sense of their understanding of the Tibetan culture and root.    Dr. Lobsang Sangay, in his concluding statement at the Kalon Tripa debate in Carlifornia made an effective campaign pitch in the line of what is cliche in the America " if there is a will, there is a way" or "nothing is a impossible".  It is politically correct to project oneself as a messenger of possibility,or change.Dr. Lobsang Sangay has a high mark for his western education, and he needs to communicate that he is not out of touch from the traditional Tibetan culture and language, that is at least cite some of the Tibetan proverbs and saying in his speech and debate, that will do the trick....
Tibetan people will definitely need a leader of great oratory skill, like Hitler's, like Martin Luther King. But our current candidates have a long way to achieve such oratory skill in our own Tibetan language. 

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