Saturday, April 17, 2010

Kunleng show

VOA Kunling is  extremely popular in exile and it is known to be watched by Tibetans in Tibet secretly. In times of such a crisis as the Jykundo earth quake, Tibetan people all over the world tune to more news and informations, from Tibetan media as such as RFA, VOA, VOT.  I watched the Kunling two hours special program with great care and attention.

Hell on earth

A Chinese website carries some graphic pictures of the devastatiing earth quake hit on Jyekundo in tibet and the infliction of human casualities. It sends a chill down my spine...

The Maverick Monks

A young man who rode a motorbike to reach Jyekundo to look for his relatives said

“The aid distributions to quake victims were uneven. Some families spent the night outside without any tent in freezing temperature. Those who don’t have tents slept among the dead bodies to keep them warm in this freeze temperature. My relatives’ family has not received a single aid supplies yet. It is said aid supplies have arrived, but there is problem with the distribution of those aid supplies. More aggressive people grabbed more tents and the officials took possession of them, while the weak ones, women and children left without any. It is total chaos for the rush of aid supplies. Those who grabbed more tents and supplies resell at higher prices".  Detail report on this look up on RFA website