What Questions are asked :
Why Canadian government welcome the Dalai Lama so warmly by risking their relationship with China is one of the question raised at a public talk by Representative Lobsang Nyndak la on Tuesday afternoon at George Washington University. Another Chinese students asked that in order for Tibet China to inter into a dialogue, there needs to have a pressure on China, so what pressure Tibet has on China ? And also how can exile Tibetan administration reach out to those hyper Chinese nationalist students who are completely brainwashed by Chinese propaganda , were some of the questions put to Representative Lobsang Nyndak at his talk. The senior Tibetan civil servant and former minister fielded such and other interesting questions with patience and understanding show of understanding and sensitivity to the best of his ability. Another questions is that Tibet used to be a theocratic society, when did the idea of democratization come to take its root?
During the election of Syikong Lobsang Sangay, all across the world, were any government provided logistic support? What is the merit of having the recent new political party called Tibetan National Congress? such questions and others have enriched the talk and generated profound discussions.
Lobsang Nyidak's talk focused on the challenges Tibetan exile facing as they have embraced democracy. He began the speech with the hisotrical handover of political power by the Dalai Lama to elected leadership, which he said is intended for the long term goal of Tibetan exiles. He dwelt that the Dalai Lama devolving of complete political authority to the elected political leadership is a huge challenge, and it is also an opportunity for Tibetan in exile.
The other interesting challenges that he mentioned are:
1. Recognition of the exile Tibetan political leader Sikyong by the international communities , while Tibetans inside and outside have fully embraced him as their political leader with much admiration and hope.
2. The continuation and protection of the Dalai Lama institute, in the face China's likely intervention for next Dalai lama pick.
3. Strengthening the democratic governance of the exile establishment.
It was an interesting and well thought topic and Lobsang Nyndak la provide much insights on some of the pressing issues that exile Tibetan dispora facing today.
The interaction and reaction of the Chinese students was another plus points, as Central Tibetan Administration also attempt to reach out to the Chinese people. The speaker has to walk on a tight rope, when addressing such an composition of audiences of Chinese and Tibetan by not offending the sentiment of both. And Mr. Nyndal dealt the issue very deftly and diplomatically.
Why Canadian government welcome the Dalai Lama so warmly by risking their relationship with China is one of the question raised at a public talk by Representative Lobsang Nyndak la on Tuesday afternoon at George Washington University. Another Chinese students asked that in order for Tibet China to inter into a dialogue, there needs to have a pressure on China, so what pressure Tibet has on China ? And also how can exile Tibetan administration reach out to those hyper Chinese nationalist students who are completely brainwashed by Chinese propaganda , were some of the questions put to Representative Lobsang Nyndak at his talk. The senior Tibetan civil servant and former minister fielded such and other interesting questions with patience and understanding show of understanding and sensitivity to the best of his ability. Another questions is that Tibet used to be a theocratic society, when did the idea of democratization come to take its root?
During the election of Syikong Lobsang Sangay, all across the world, were any government provided logistic support? What is the merit of having the recent new political party called Tibetan National Congress? such questions and others have enriched the talk and generated profound discussions.
Lobsang Nyidak's talk focused on the challenges Tibetan exile facing as they have embraced democracy. He began the speech with the hisotrical handover of political power by the Dalai Lama to elected leadership, which he said is intended for the long term goal of Tibetan exiles. He dwelt that the Dalai Lama devolving of complete political authority to the elected political leadership is a huge challenge, and it is also an opportunity for Tibetan in exile.
The other interesting challenges that he mentioned are:
1. Recognition of the exile Tibetan political leader Sikyong by the international communities , while Tibetans inside and outside have fully embraced him as their political leader with much admiration and hope.
2. The continuation and protection of the Dalai Lama institute, in the face China's likely intervention for next Dalai lama pick.
3. Strengthening the democratic governance of the exile establishment.
It was an interesting and well thought topic and Lobsang Nyndak la provide much insights on some of the pressing issues that exile Tibetan dispora facing today.
The interaction and reaction of the Chinese students was another plus points, as Central Tibetan Administration also attempt to reach out to the Chinese people. The speaker has to walk on a tight rope, when addressing such an composition of audiences of Chinese and Tibetan by not offending the sentiment of both. And Mr. Nyndal dealt the issue very deftly and diplomatically.