Sunday, December 26, 2010

The firm

When a friend says something is good, and reccomend to you, you take it and experience it yourself. An avid reader of John Grisham's fiction, I was asked to try his another well recieved fiction "The Firm" by a close friend. It was another thriller, with the like of Hollywood bluckbuster. I say that such reading is pure entertainment, and fantasy. The writer knows what sells in modern time. It is money and sex, and action. There are plenty of those element in the fiction, besides suspense and twist in the tale. John Grisham's novel has the underlying themes of virtues vs nonvirtues. The central character represent the writer's conscioustiousness. Someone who is dischanted with the profession of law. Besides the intricate plot and detailed character sketch, Grisham is a writer who holds to certain value. I like his protrayal of honesty, , trust , intergrity, love and friendship over any other mundane things.  Despite of the some unseemingly plot, the author manages to give a sense of practicality and reality to the circumstance, event. When the main protaganist from the novel finally escaped to an Island, and it ended with a realistic possibilities of what future hold for them. No doubt, he is a gifted story teller, and it is sweeping, gripping and breathtaking. Ones you turn the pages, it is hold on your seat, and get going till to the end. ...
I read for knowledge, entertainment and pleasure, and I derived all these from the novel "FIRM"
But then there was another book, that I laid my hand upon, "The Shanghai Girls". It is a heartrending account of a two Chinese girls tryst with distiney. The story is good, but it lacks the literary strength and favour, without which it is pretty distasteful. 

Friday, December 3, 2010

21st Century Monk

His Holiness the Dalai Lama urges Tibetan monks to  be  a monk of the 21st century . I believe no one represent this call more better than venerable Lobsang Moelam, who is the opineer of Moelam Tibetan online dictionary, and many Tibetan scripts.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Tibet in Song

Ngawang Choephel's debute "Tibet in Song" documentary film deserves accolade from film critics and particularly from Tibetan and Tibetan supporters.  On Thanksgiving Day, my buddy and I went to watch the movie on its  final day screening in the Washington D.C . When we reached the cinema hall , only a scattered audience was sitting in the theater. My purpose for going to watch the movie is simply out of curiosity and also to lend my  support to the few  Tibetan artists and filmmakers, who is emerging as a star in a gloomy dark night, and illuminate the audience with its radiance.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Memoir of a Geisha

"Memoir of a Geisha " is Arthur Golden's debut masterpiece. The book caught my eye in the public library and it was purely a personal pick. It is mesmerizing, extraordinary, enchanting and  poetic. I would describe the novel in all the  superlative terms. Running over 434 pages in paperback, it is a terrific novel; that spans the chronological tale of a geisha in a war time in Japan.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Tibet Web TV

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The rainmaker

What is my reflections on reading John Grisham's "Rainmaker" ?I feel like having watched a movie and was totally engrossed in every actions and deliberations of the drama unfolding in front of my eyes. I have a perfect understanding of the character's emotions, intelligence, and the inner struggle. Grisham's portrayal of the main protagonists are very striking and powerful. Some of the events and personalities could have resemblances to real life occurrence.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Foregone conclusion

The preliminary result for the election of 3rd  Kalon Tripa of exile Tibetan government has announced, and Dr.Lobsang Sangay has swept the polls with a landslide victory. A good report on phayul for the details,
 a strong lead indeed, and probably it is a foregone conclusion as who will emerge as  the winner for final election in March. Unless there is a game changer, that tilt the favour for Tethong, and unless Tethong revamp his election campaigning, Dr. Lobsang Sangay is the obvious favorite.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

He says, she says

He says, she says.  By Dr. Glass

Returning home on an overcrowded subway train, I have flipped over the last page of the book “He says, She Says”.  I managed to hold up the book when other passengers hardly have a space to breathe on the rush hour train. I pine to pen down some of my thoughts and reflections on the worthiness of the book, while it is fresh on my mind. As this reminds me of what our friend Margaret wrote in her latest mail, “Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours”. Margaret credits this quote to philosopher John Locke.
I have a dear friend, and he has confessed to me that he has more female friend than men friends. So he must an exceptional guy, who knows who to talk to woman. According to the book, research have shown that “men tend to seek out men and woman tend to seek out other woman when it comes to maintaining friendships that involve opening up and sharing experiences and feelings. Perhaps the reason for this has been that up until now women have not understood how to talk to men, and conversely, men have not understood how to talk to women”.
   Sex talk difference is a reality that needs to be closely examined and understood. Ignoring the gender communication difference is a potential problem at  personal, professional spectrum.  The book is must read for people who has communication problem with other sex. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Liu's win

Nobel Committe turned a deaf ear  to China's threat by awarding Lui Xingbo the coveted 2010 Nobel peace prize. This award is a testament to international communities desire for political and democratic change in China.
It is time for celebration for the Chinese demoracy and human rights dissident, and Lui's win is also a win for Tibet cause.  The following link is a testmonial of Lui's support for Tibet cause.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Decisive Debate

I just had a nice chat with a fellow Tibetan, who lives in Dharamsala. Our conversations apparently centered on last night's first unofficial Kalon Tripa candidates' debate held at TIPA. Mr. Gyaltso had attended the debate and he was overwhelmed and greatly excited . He said "last night's debate was phenomenal, since my arrival in India, I have attended so many functions and events in Dharamsala, but have never seen such  a tremendous  public interest and attendance. TIPA hall was packed and even the outside arena reached its full capacity. Of all the  candidates , I am most impressed by  Dr. Lobsang Sangay, and now thanks to this debate, I have made up my mind, as to whom I should vote".

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Candidates & Cadence

News commentators say one of Obama's greatest political strength is his oratory. And he has won the presidency by way of words. Now in president's office, Obama speaks like a law professor, beginning his speech in a dull and monotone, and explaining the technical issues , his nonchalant manner has infuriated the public or for that matter, his rating nosedived.

an impassioned eulogy can bring us to tears,an humorous speech can make us a good belly laugh,  an inflammatory speech can make us enraged. The power of public speaking to inspire, to influence and to energize the public is undeniable. At a time of economic crisis in America, some inspirational messages are much needed to uplift the spirit of American. The Tibet nation is dying and its people have reached an important crossroad. The Tibetan people have the choice of being a  passive spectator to the slow but steady death of the nation in the jaws of communist dragon, or fight back with all its might and die in the battle field. Tibetan people needs inspirational speakers with great oratory skills, speaker who can move the people to act, and a speaker who can make the Tibetan people aware of  the fire on head. As I am following the Kalon Tripa candidates speeches, and debates. I yearn that at least one candidate will exhibit the fury of oratory.  I remind all the candidates as widely approved in the west that , that they should campaign in poetry and govern in prose.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


The proposed Mosque to be built few blocks from the ground zero in New york set off a media frenzy, that has divided America in two. The conservative led by fox news folks and some republic politician weighing to say, such a Islam center will be too insensitive to the victims of 9/11 family. Those that advocate for the proposed building argues, by not allowing a faith center to be built is hurting the sentiment of the Muslim people-- The first amendment promotes free speech and religious tolerance. The argument on both sides are very convincing and reasonable. However, the President Obama did the  right thing by making it clear that American value religious freedom -the principles on which America was founded. The west should be careful not to marginalizing the Muslim is  ethically and politically correct. The Dalai lama has repeatedly said few mischievous people are exist in all faith, for which the entire follower of the tradition should not be blamed.  Because of 9/11, blaming the entire Muslim population was wrong, he said categorically.  His message resonates, America will lose by lashing up anti-Muslim sentiment than be accommodating its liberal  followers. It is the politician -----------Stupid...
This issue shouldn't let the the radical Islam to rethink twice and taking advantage of the west negativity to further radicalize and recruit naive people.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Far Apart

I was watching some of the recent Kalon Tripa candidates debate on Youtube. What pop to my mind is that one of these candidates may replace the current incumbent Kalon Samdup Rinpoche, can they really replace him?  My answer is no. The winning Kalon Tripa candidate will fill the post of CTA's top post, but he or she can not replace Samdhong Rinpoche for the grandeur and prestige that he enjoyed as a premier.  Having listened to Samdong Rinpoche speaks and having a good sense of  Samdhon,s oratory skill , eloquence and  intellectual vigour, I have left with dispair that none of these candidates possess those There is a gulf between current candidate's qualifications and of Samdhong Rinpoche.   I believe that Tibetan people in exile are smart for picking up Samdhong Rinpoche as our first direct elected Premier. He has set a high standard for those to follow. SD is a great pundit politician.
However, there are people, who argues Samdhong Rinpoche was not a smart politician. The criticism are heaped on him for his initiative to privatize exile government owned business entities . Which was a very bold, and desperate  take, and I think it is little too early to conclude its consequences. I agree when Jari Lodi said that because Samdong Rinpoche, the post of Kalon Tripa has become a very prestigious post. But maybe Tibetan exile will find a smart,committed, courageous , and visionary leader in our next election.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Commander in Chief

The Tibetan people finally accept the gift from HH the Dalai Lama. It is eventually dawned on the Tibetan people and propelled them to embrace this this gift without any reservations. It is  the gift of democracy!!!

.The post for the Tibetan Exile's commander in chief is a covetd political , power and prestigious position that aspiring candidates aim for. Individual candidates have  self publicized thier intention to run for the post, and as well as different organizations have put forth nominees. Those unofficial Kalon Tripa candidates start to gain public attention. and those strong candidates have made the Tibetan public known their missions and goals for running for the Tibetan premier's post through campaign pitches, and in their Oped articles, and at public debate. The early problem of exile society not finding candidates is no longer a problem now. Thupten Samdup's Kalontrip websites  attracts close to 20 candidates .
Now the search for Kalon tripa is over and we now should focus on the search for the jobs that the next Kalon Tripa should perform in the next five years.

For Tibetan public, now is the time not to  debate on who should be voted for the post, instead the debate should focus on what should be the goals of next  five years and who will be the ideal for this job. To make it easier for the public to understand, as a start it is imperative to point at all issues of important matter  that the seven departments of Central Tibetan administaration oversees and who can best serve those issues, who can reform and impact what is necessary and urgent.

The ongoing public discussions are centred on individual candidates profile,  influenced more by their affiliation and affinity to the candidates, less on what are the important issues at stake. The real democracy should be people's full engagement not just being a passive observers and followers, but by vigorously bringing up the national issues and things that matter us more. In short, it is the peoples responsiblity to make candidates aware what is most important issues to deal within the next fives.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


His Holiness the Dalai Lama said to his Chinese twitter followers, that owing to no solution to Tibet issue through his middle way approach, the voice of Tibetan Independence is growing stronger. The Tibetan spiritual leader has pointed to Tibetan Youth Congress in specific, as a critic of his middle way approach. The Dalai Lama however, assured 99% of Tibetans will not resort to violence in fighting for the cause. This is extremely an important statement by the Dalai Lama, and true to what is happening among the Tibetan intellectuals and activists. Tenzin Sonam's movie "The Sun Behind the Cloud" is a case to point as how Tibetans face an inner struggle between Independence and Middle Way Approach, . Ones I was speaking with JN, and he assured those Tibetans who advocate middle way is not swayed by the feasibility of its goal. He contend that one day when HH gives up middle way approach, then all those demagogues will turn to Independence. It is a mere issue of loyalty. Read HH words and messages between lines, and these subtle warning to the Chinese leadership to the possibility of exile struggle turning to  demanding independence. TYC and those independence activists should be proud of their influence and the significance of the organization's mission in Tibetan's peaceful resistance against the tyranny of communist party.   I believe that Middle Way Approach yeilding no result is in a way good for the Rangzen diehard activists.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Leaking pot

Ones upon a time, an Indian man lives on the hill.He brings water from a stream at the bottom of the hill for use at home. He fetch the water regularly-so used to it that he doesn't feel the weight of it. Indian people use a pair of pot to fetch water.When he purchased the pair of  pot, one has a crack and the other one is in perfect condition. The perfect pot always brings a full water to the family, but the pot with the crack has only half of the water when getting to home, because the other half has leaked on way.Therefore he managed to fill only half water. In this way two years have passed. The perfect pot is not only proud of its achievement, but has complete sense of pride.But the other pot with a crack was very embarrassed of its inborn blemish, and a sense of sadness descended on it.  One day , the leaking pot said to the Indian man when he is  at a river bank. " I feel very embarrassed and I would like to apologize'.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


A wealthy Tibetan business man was sentenced to life on charge of "funding exile groups". The owner of famous Yak Hotel in lhasa was trialed secretly in June and sentenced to life, says sources. The Tibetan tycoon as some called was arrested after March 10,2008 protest in Lhasa. I have heard something about this early, but did not confirm, until AP carried the story with confirmation from Lhasa about the sentence. It is unfathomable as how Tibetans are targeted, and if the charge was true. Yeshi, was very successful Tibetan entrepreneur who was recognized  by the Chinese as one of the most young influential Tibetan . He was even member of communist party. The Chinese government have not made his sentence public but the it was confirmed news.
What the Chinese governments says to Tibetan through these high profile sentences---Karma Samdup, Shugdong, and now Tashi Dorjee.
What the Tibetans should take out of these phenomenon?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


It is gratifying to see three candidates nominated for the Europen Tibetan members of parliament for the upcoming MP elections. Except one young man, two of the others are familiar figures, and they have done something commendable in their life.
The best way to get recognition and self promotion is to come back to your own society and serve. As long as we are Tibetan, we can best excell on the bedrock of Tibetan society and Tibetan people.One of my friend commented, if it is not the Tibetan people, the Dalai Lama will not have his world stature as he has today. Thanks to Tibetan people's cause, we have reasons to live and hope for better future. Dedication to ones people's cause and society will pay you off handsomely.

Nature's wrath

Turn to any news and it is all about nature's wrath unleashing in full force. Asian continent from Lhadhak in India to Druchu in Tibet have experienced heavy flood , and mud slid.  Over thousands killed in mud flood and landslide in Druchok. The Time Magazine captures the scene of the devastation- it is horrifying and unnerving (The fingers is squearly pointed on China, as the cause of flood was manmade).  In Russia the hot and humid weather caused some devasting wild fire to the forest. In America, In washington, had recordbreaking scortching heat weather on continuous day. An artic Ice land broke away, with the potentional cause for more hot temperature in years to come. Global warming might be real, and H.H the Dalai Lama,s message of universal responsbility for the survival of future  humanity has gained great significance.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Voter Registeration

The registration to vote for Chetue and Kalon Tripa officially ends in Mid August. The election commission in Dharamsala announced the dates of registeration period for two months. It begins in June and closes in mid August. I believe the current registeration proces is even though not the most effective, still every attempts are made to attract maximum voter registeration. The registeration period has extended compare to early registeration. Family members or a representative of a group can  register for their siblings or children who are absent at home. On top of that, Tibetan NGO, media and communities have announced the registeration period loudly and clearly.  Yet why there is such a lukewarm response to voter registerations? In Dharmsala, voter registerations were estimated around 75%, sometime ago. And it is hoped that other Tibetan settlement and communities in India subcontinent are seeing higher  voter registeration.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Blogging Aniversary

One year ago, I have started blogging. And today is the anniversary of my blogging activities. There are 365 days for a year, and I have blogged on a wide range of topics. For me this new social media is an ideal and convenient tool to vent my frustrations, anger, and happiness. Blogging has taken over my traditional dairy entry. Of course, this is far superior means of expression. Spellings could be checked. Words are nicely typed and neat and easy to read. The ubiquitous nature of blogging, allows me to access it from everywhere, and anytime.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The story of Tsoe

I believe it takes education and awareness for the Tibetans to desist from poaching Chiru. In following video Karma Samdup is seen with the film director. He was one of the prominment Tibetan championing environment and wild life conservation, for which he has paid a heavy price.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Next generation

There was a time, when we count years with our fingers as when Tibetans will be returning to  Tibet. " in a couple of years, the Tibet issue will be resolved" says by a wrinkled face  with much optimism. Nowadays, Tibetan talk of the struggles passing to the next generations and focus on how to sustain it. Have we come to a rude awaking, and the dreams of the elder Tibetans returning to thier homes vanished?

"Tibet card"

Two of the most vibrant democratic countries, both economically very strong and major global players has a one common thing. India and U.S both appears to be supporting Tibet cause superficially or concretly . However, when it comes to dealing with China. Both countries put their national interst first priority. Tibet is a game that both U.S and India plays against China and it serves as an ideal " bargaining chip".  Is this good or bad?

Kalon Tripa

In a conversation with a political savvy friend, I am told that the pick of 2011 exile
Tibetan Prime Minister is predictable. This friend shared me some insider information, and it is pretty alarming. Exile politic is playing hard. His assumption is based on certain trend in exile and indorsment by NGO regarding the candidates. I have learnt who is going to be the Kalon today, and if  it turns out to be a true in 2011, I will be surprised.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

outrageous 15 year

The news of Karma Sangdup's 15 years sentence on "trumped up charge" is shocking. But what is interseting is that his wife Dolkar Tso is doing the right things, by not laying back. She is appealing to higher authorities for review of his sentences. And she is keeping the outside world informed on the development through her blog. Tibetan author Woeser is speaking out and she is as usual very outspoken. I believe true courage is not bowing down when the going is getting tough. An Tibetan expert noted that a man of such statue and influence as Karma Samdup receiving such a harsh imprisonment is an indictor that the victem has offended someone very high up in the Communist Party. In today's China, anything else can be compromised, negotiated and bought by money and connection, except when it is issue of political loyality and adherence. Karma Sandup's case is deemed to be  sensitive and legal observers have voiced concern that China's courts are ignoring legal procedures when dealing with sensitive cases.
No matter how grave is the situation, Karma Sangdup is known better in the world now in jail than when he was out as a free man.
Karma Sangdup have travelled outside China and even have met the Dalai Lama. China might have kept eye on him for a long time.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

2011 Kalachakra

His Holiness the Dalai Lama drew crowd like a rock star. His teachings and public appearance in the west had all the time sold out. People from all walks of life drew inspiration from His Holiness's simple message of universal brotherhood. He had a huge followers in the west and particularly in America. His ardent followers include Hollywood celebrities and high profile politician, statesmen, scientists, and businessmen and lay people.

 If enough karmas were accumulated, then we will have the highest esteem of His Holiness's presence in Washington D.C in 2011. And this time, his presence is religiously  significant, as the idea of His Holiness the Dalai Lama conferring the Kalachakra in the capital city of the world's lone super power float around. Going by what some of the people alleging is that even the venue has been worked out, albeit it is too costly.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Education celebration

I was taught that  education or learning is a life long process. But I believe college and schools were the prime time for learning and educating. High school graduation possibly symbolizes a considerable achievement in ones education. Yet the end of 12 grade should be  the beginning of a serious intellectual pursuit. This should serve as a stepping stone for further success. With a high school diploma, it will take you to a new horizon.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Whethering Storm

 The dark storm comes every ones a  while. The monster storm knocks down  everything on her path. With rising hair and long ugly claw, she dashes around  like a mad cow. uprooting the trees, and scattering dusts everywhere. The only means to pacify this monster is not with a "eye for eye", but by using intelligence and wit. She is possessed by a demon, and only way to bring back peace and tranquility is to ostracize the evil inside. The raging storm appears to be formidable, ferocious and fearful . She has no consciousness, she is extremely destructive.

Owing to the different variables and whether pressure, brewing of  ones a while storm is inevitable. We shouldn't be cowed down by the mother nature. We should be prepared to deal with this challenge with wisdom and compassion. Standing up and face the evil, will toughen our person and strengthen our soul. As the saying goes, the secret of success is falling down seven times and getting up eight times. The storm might knock you off, and kick your ass. But when the going is getting tough, the tough is get going.

Friday, May 21, 2010

A Political Monk?

His Holiness the Dalai Lama to an interview in the film"The Sun Behind  Cloud" said"the Tibetan people have so much hope on me, but I am helpless".
Majority Tibetan  have absolute regard and trust, faith, belief   to His Hiliness the Dalai Lama's wisdom and vision for the future of Tibet including myself. But it is crucial for any Tibetan to read between lines of the Dalai Lama's responses, and speeches and writings on regarding to Tibet's future. The Dalai Lama described that he felt the same situation again ( as he did in 1959) when the Tibet crisis was its height  in 2008.
 Tibetan called His Holiness requesting not to stop people's demonstrations, and whereas the Chinese government is bent on to crackdown violently. His Holiness felt sandwhiched between two giant boulder.Analyzing the intense pressure and reponsbilities of the Dalai Lama to quell such a violatle situation, it  must have been mindboggling. 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gendered Issue in traditional Society


"When you educate a man, you educate a person, when you educate a woman, you educate a family". This age old wisdom is shared by many in today's world. I dont know how the importance of educating girl child even dawned to a Tibetan woman. But the fact is some Tibetan NGOs doing a fantastic projects in Tibet, targeting Tibetan girl as their ultimate goal. I had attended a presentation by a Tibetan young girl, who has been invited by Machik in Washingtong D.C.  It was thrilling experience for me to see a young Tibetan girl speaking fluent English and presenting a well organized and well researched information on the topic of gendered issue in Tibetan traditional society. As a Tibetan herself, doing a presention on such a controversial and rather queer subject must have been challenging.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mining in Markham

The Chinese government and private enterprise  headlocked in excavating natural resources from scared mountain in Eastern Tibet, Kham. Desperate Tibetan called to inform the gravity of the situation.

RFA reports the detail:

Saturday, May 1, 2010


He has disappeared for 2 years, and his parents pressumed he is dead. Years have passed and the family returned to their normal life. The fearful memories of  March 14 have been stowed away. When everything seems to be ok, a twist to the tale unfolded. The dead has resurrected, and thereby disturbing the mental peace of Nitsongtsang family unlike anything before.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lowly life

We hear of monks heroism, but not heard of horrendous act of nonresident, looting. The culprits are both Chinese and Tibetan, so says, more details look up here

Monks "heroism" airbrushed

The selfless act of monks rescuing the earth quake victems is an embodiment of true Buddhist teachings in action. Robbie Benertta said, it showed the immense culture resources that Tibetan Buddhist monks provide to Tibetan people. For fear of the Tibetan monks taking the limelight of rescue effort, the Chinese have asked them to leave now.  For details click here.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The best of Buddhism

The latest news from the quake affected kham region, is that the  local authorities of Jykundo has ordered monks to return to their respective monasteries and they are no longer needed now. If the authorities fully  enforcing this order, it will be a great setback to the relief works.The Chinese leaderships were more concerned for social stability, and fear that such a mass gathering of the monks might feed to unrest. The Tibetan residents are already showing resentment against the Chinese rescue workers, and there is a clash of views. For details look up RFA news release

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Kunleng show

VOA Kunling is  extremely popular in exile and it is known to be watched by Tibetans in Tibet secretly. In times of such a crisis as the Jykundo earth quake, Tibetan people all over the world tune to more news and informations, from Tibetan media as such as RFA, VOA, VOT.  I watched the Kunling two hours special program with great care and attention.

Hell on earth

A Chinese website carries some graphic pictures of the devastatiing earth quake hit on Jyekundo in tibet and the infliction of human casualities. It sends a chill down my spine...

The Maverick Monks

A young man who rode a motorbike to reach Jyekundo to look for his relatives said

“The aid distributions to quake victims were uneven. Some families spent the night outside without any tent in freezing temperature. Those who don’t have tents slept among the dead bodies to keep them warm in this freeze temperature. My relatives’ family has not received a single aid supplies yet. It is said aid supplies have arrived, but there is problem with the distribution of those aid supplies. More aggressive people grabbed more tents and the officials took possession of them, while the weak ones, women and children left without any. It is total chaos for the rush of aid supplies. Those who grabbed more tents and supplies resell at higher prices".  Detail report on this look up on RFA website

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Pickup

The Pickup,a novel by Nadine Gordimer, and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. My rationale for reading this book was simple, it won Nobel Prize and must be excellent. The reading takes long and I have finally flipped the last pages. I have no substance to comment about this book. It was not engaging and thrilling. The plot and characters are easy to follow. But the style of the writing is very confusing. One can not distinguish easily who is saying what  in the story.  After all it is a difficult reading.

The gist of the story is a young beatiful white girl met a blackman (he is a Mulsim, not sure the colour of the skin, just assumed), when the former had a mechnical problem with her car and asked for help. The young immigrant, who is a faceless, and formless, without a valid ID happened to be a mechanic . The car repair business brought them together and a relationship blossomed. The young lovers, engaged in sensual pleasure and lured to each other.
However, the sturday immigrant was finally tracked down by the US immigration and despite of all legal battle that ensued, he lost all and ordered to leave the country in a specific time.

Julie, the white young girl summoned all her strength and pulled her every strings, but in vain. As the day of the depature approach, there was tug of war between giving up her love  and going for it.  Call it a love or what,  young and impulsive  Julie chose to leave everything behind in a rich country and abandoned all her comfort to accompany with this stranger to a stranger land.

Landed in a foreign country, where everything is different from U.S. Julie slowly adapted to living conditions there and besides found a vocation of teaching English to interested young women including her her in -laws. For Julie life means something else to her. It is more about openness, closeness and intimacy and the bond . Back in the U.S she has no close relatives, and besides estranged from her mother and dad.  Here in this new land, she found the companion of women, who are warm hearted and very nuturing. But her restless young man, attempted again all possiblites to get a visa and imbargo to any of the western nations for a greener pasture.  Finally, through Julie's relatives, he managed to get a visa to go to U.S. He believes that 
America is the land of honey and milk, where the poor can start from scratch to reach zenith of their life.    Where he could fully realize his potential and climb up the ladder of sucess. America is is the final destination for big dreamer.

Julie after learning this news, was surprised, and then also managed to get money from her uncle to cover their return flight tickets.

While the man's household reveled for the prospective of the young man's dream to be fulfilled, however Julie changed her mind. She refused to return to her country with her lover. She was his wife and she wanted to remain in his turf. The harshness of the desert and minimal material comfort in her new found home didnt deter her.  Undoubtely, there was psychological fight and emotional battle at the time of departure. The young Julie   did not give in, she didnt want to leave her newly found home. This foreigner woman spoke the local tongue and felt at home in a strange land despite of the loneliness and However men were destined to be in the oil field, as the novel read in the last page. -- he will come back--

Over all, the novel is abstract, philosophical and metaphirical and allegorical. I dont know if it is true as what one of the book critique about the book says  " it redefines "home' for our times, and it stays mindful of the shrinking world we live in". For me it was a book that needs to be reread one more time to get a good sense and grasp of it.

Monks save lives

Informations abtained from  contacts in Jyekunda gives a different pictures of the relief work, Chinese state is not showing any pictures of the thousand monks on the scene who were the first responder and acted heroically.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Quake hit Yushul

Tibetan living in exile started to hear the earth quake tragedy and casualities from their relatives in Tibet. Jigme Rabten a  Tibetan monk living in south India said: “I received a call from Jyekundo, informing that my sister’s family lost three members including her father- in- law , mother- in- law and a child. The three remaining children along with my sister have survived".

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Without Due Process

A Tibetan fugitive from Kham Payoe was rearrested and killed. A Tibetan prison inmate called Passang, break out from prison and on the run for several months. He was finally nabbed after two months search by by Ganzi police, army and also by Kandze prefecture. After his arrest at Satoe Nunnery in Kham Nyarong,  He was beaten mercilessly and taken to Kandze county and paraded in front of th the masses.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Welcome back

It is heartwarming to learn that my blog has many readers, as evidenced to me by several people who inquired me in person  the reasons of my long absence on the blog. Buoyed by such encouraging comments, I will commit myself again to continue to express my wild and weird thoughts on issues of concern.    In the past month, owing to a myraid of issues, I couldnt continue to keep up writing. Now things are settling back to normal and which will allow me to resume my blogging. I wish to welcom you my dear fans to revisit the site.

Thank .............DJ

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Big Brother is Watching You

(The following entries require editing and revision).  DJ

A Panel discussion at ICT last week was illuminating and insightful. Steven Marshall, a veteran expert on Tibet and China along with a  Chinese professor pitched in their analysis on the topic: "China's Fifth Tibet Work Forum and The Memorandum on Genuine Autonom" and the discussion was  moderated by Bhungchung K. Tsering of ICT appropriately.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A flake of snow

Could this be  a premonition of global warming unleashed ? In the Hollywood bluckbuster 2011, the world meets its doomsday, when the world of sea engulfed the entire earth and decimated everything on its path.

Like the ferocity of the water, a flake of snow falling on earth incessantly for just a day and two could  bring all human activities to a screeching halt. If its goes on for few more days, we might be trapped in our building for a long time. A snow storm pounded the eastcoast unlike anything before.The roads and the trees, and pathway were buried by the might of the snow. It is fun to watch the flake of snow falling on the ground, and when you catch it , it instantly turned to a wet spot. nothing visible.  Yesterday, we were walking outside and driving to work and back to home. But today, the lovely and fun snow turned to a monster, and it is frightening to watch it falling nonstop and the accomulation is immense. Never before, have i witnessed such heavy fall of snow. A colleague of mine, also confessed, it is first time seeing such a snow  in his life. It is like wading through a waist deep water. That is what he described it in a hyperbolic terms.

It is reported, some part of Maryland, thousands of household were without electricity and water. It could be very frustrating.  Thankful to our part of the area, it is all good now. we are comfortablly inside the warmth of our dwelling. I dont know what the government and institution have any emergency plan for wealther crisis.  The media inflated the danger of nuclear power and how America is ready to respond in such a calamity of the manmade catastrophe. But how about a natural calamity, should we waite until it strikes? or are we prepared for a crisis?

This winter, was unlike any other winters I spent in America. The wicked wealther, unleashed it wrath and its impact on our mobility is very severe. The washington metro politan areas  were literally buried under snow.
A heavy snow storm pounded on virginia and not a single soul could come out of their house.  As I type in it is still falling and the ground kept swelling.It is heap high.

Vehicles safely towed to the parking lots were submerged under heavy snow. The pile up outside is waistdeep. Few family braved outside to dug up a trunch along their pathway, like a military outspot. As predicated the wealther might be cleared up tomarrow on Sunday, by then it is impossible to tell what is in store for us.  The snow removal truck will have a yeoman's job to perform.

Inmate kidnapped prison guard

A Tibetan prisoner in Gandze County in eastern Tibet allegedly kidnapped the prison guard in retaliation of ill treatment.
According reliable information from Tibet, a Kandze county prisoner guard by the name of Kasong Chang was forcefully taken away by one of the Tibetan inmates in the jail, allegedly for the former’s harassment of the Tibetan prisoners. The prison inmate is a Tibetan, called Passang, who hails from Kham Payoe. The incident occurred on Feb 01, 2010 at a newly built prison in Kandze, known as Shitonchang, says one source.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Abitrary Detention

China detains two brothers
The brothers from a Tibetan family in Markham County, in Eastern Tibet were whisked way by Chinese police and held for interrogation for months.

According reliable information received from Tibet, “a convoy of police vehicles descended on the house of the two brothers, Tsejor Gonpo (43) alias Zhangxi and his younger brother Choenga Tsering (41, alias Zhongtok) on December 12, 2010, in Markham county, Gagtok city, Chamdo Perfecture in eastern Tibet” .

Peoples armed polices entered their house on the morning of that day, while the family were eating breakfast and demanded the two brothers to accompany them for interrogations. The blaring of siren and police presence attracted a large number of onlookers, who saw the brothers were handcuffed and taken away.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of Union

Monday, January 25, 2010


China detains Relatives of Radio Free Asia reporter over unconfirmed charges.

Two Tibetan brothers were detained over allegation of hosting an eminent Tibetan lama.

Two brothers from a family in Eastern Tibet were whisked way by Chinese police and be held for interrogation.


According reliable information received from Tibet, on December 12, 2010, a convoy of police vehicles descended on the house the two brothers, Tsejor Gonpo (43) alias Zhangxi and his younger brother Choenga Tsering (41, alias Zhongtok) . Peoples armed polices entered the house of the two brothers on the morning of December 12, 2010, while they family were eating breakfast and asked the two brothers to accompany them for interrogations. The blaring of siren and police presence attracted a large number of onlookers, who saw the brothers were handcuffed and taken away.

For about a half month, the duo brothers were kept incommunicado, and then learnt lately that they weld in a detention Centre in Pashoe county, under Chamdo prefecture. In prison the two brothers were kept in separate cells are interrogated.

During interrogation, the brothers were accused of the following three things

1 “possession of arms’

2. Contact with outside

3. Host of Woeser Lama, an eminent Tibetan lama from abroad

The brothers responded to the charges in the following way.

That they never possess any arms, nor do they like it and the Chinese were welcome to search their family members for any traces of arms in their household.

To the allegation that they have contacted outside, the two brothers denied of any contact with outside that leaked national security or anything politically sensitive. They urged the Chinese police to produce concrete evidence of their wrongdoings to that effect.

As for hosting Woeser Lama, they responded that Woser lama of their Monastery visited relatives in Tibet with authorization of the Chinese government. And his trip was lawful and he did not infringe any rules and regulation of the government. This information was conveyed to the brothers’ mother by an unnamed person.

Ransack shops and other establishment.

Subsequently, after a month half on Jan 22, 2010. Under the supervision of Chamdo prefecture vice deputies of police force in collaboration with Markham county polices, (approximately 40 police personnel) in a convey of ten police vehicles swooped down to search homes and business entities that owed by the two brothers.

The hotel and the disco theatre that the two brothers runs in Markham Gangtok city and their home were ransacked and even kids shoes were thoroughly investigated. The search resulted with the confiscation all the video cassettes/ including children’s DVD in their household.

Despite of numerous incidents of blasts and distribution of Free Tibetan pamphlets in the recent past in Markham, such a scale of thorough search and investigation of the individual homes and establishment were unknown.

Tsering Gonpon (alias Zhangxin) and Chonga Tsering (alias Zhangdou) have several relatives abroad, include their youngest brother Lobsang yeshi , who is a monk at Gyomey monastery in South India, and one of the sons sons studies at Sera Mey monastery in South India. The two detainees’ uncle Lobsang Choephel is a reporter for the Washington D.C based U.S government funded Radio Free Asia’s Tibetan services.

The 60 year old mother of the two detained brothers denied her sons of any wrong doing. With tears in her eyes, she said that her sons have not engaged in any political activities, nor they have ever shown any interest in such, so the charges brought against them were unfounded and baseless. Such false accusation against her sons, including the search and their arrest by police is an indicative of the Chinese official’s deliberate poke in the eyes of their relatives in abroad.

The two brothers are being held in Pashoe county, and their fate still unknown even after one and half months detention.

Red poppies

This morning, I chatted with JN, one of the foremost Tibetan English writer and political commentator on Tibet issue. I was to ask him his view and opinion on the ongoing Tibetan delegations' planned talk with Chinese contemporary. JN's view and stand is pretty clear, he contends that no negotiation is taking place at all. The Chinese side's arrogant attitude and Tibetan delegate's begging mentality is a gulf too big to be bridged. I don’t necessarily agree with JN's argument, but giving his immense research, reading and knowledge on the issue of Tibet, he is a voice to be listened and paid heed to at the least. He gave an analogy of the present negotiation status as to that of a cat playing with a maimed mouse. The robust, evil and playful cat played game with this crippling mouse. Letting go for a while, and then catch it, and then again letting it go and recatch. It induces a kind of illusionary optimism for the dying mouse and in reality the victim had no way out.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bulging Belly

"Those who commit the Sin of Gluttony are punished in Hell by being forced to eat rats, toads, and snakes". And I am  just worried about getting fat? A sumptuous feast was prepared this evening by my sister.The steaming snow white meat Momo is irressitable.  I gobbled down a dozen of these juicy and meat Momo,and I feel its effect now in my belly.  My stomache is bulging, and making my movement difficult, leaving along to sleep soundly. The only way to pass away and kill the time is to blog. Blog what has happened recently at ICT during a talk.

Last Thursday's talk by Robert Bernett at ICT was an eyeopenner for me to the origin of the Tibetan cinema and its development over the years up to date. Bernett is known to be an expert on contemporary Tibetan history. He is  the persona to be posed questions about Tibet issues by the mainstream media on every issues on Tibet. Giving his long engagement with the Tibetan movement, he is very well informed about it. Besides he has good access to informations inside Tibet.  As an academician and research scholar, he has earned quite a reputation and over all crediability as an authority on Tibet issue.

In his last Thursday talk, he traces the history of Tibetan cinema prior and post occupation. His research and collection of Tibetan films both by Chinese director and Tibetan director was very remarkable, and his thematic analysis of the genre and their phases was outstanding. The advantage of the following his lecture was the critical analysis of few scene from the various clips he showed. I felt his assessent were thourough and very detailed with sharp eyes and intelligent thoughts.Usually, most people watch movie for its entertainment and esthetic value. But following his lecture, one is empowered with the rationale and logic of such film.  The social, and economic under current of the soceity was a huge influence on the cinema. Each of the films in the three phases bringhts out the reality of the time.  His presentation was very professional and well researched and prepared one. I was not only struck by the power of his knolwedge and sharing, but also how friendly, and approachalbe he was.  It was one of my luck to befriended with this Tibetan scholar, who runs a Tibetan studies at a prestigious U.S university, in Newyork.

After basking under the illuminating knowledge of  his presention on art of Tibetan film, as usual, the social time and the afterward reception was most adoreable at ICT. A great presentation, followed by a great socializing moment. Sipping a glass of wine and snacking on a plate of fruit, assorted cheese, I rubbed shoulder with expert and scholar and influentional. I enjoyed hobnobing with people.   it was also here, I conversed with an interesing Taiwanese lady, who showed much interest on Tibet issue. 
The scene of the hall, is more like a ball party in a restaurant.  Everyone of the participants, mingling among the crows and chatting away pleasantly.  It was a great evening, and great learning.  A good choice and good judgment. i would have done something completely different for the night, rather than going to talk.  But I was overjoyed, that I could make it.

By now, even my bulging belly, starts to cooperate with me. After shoving down gallows of hot water, my belly has contracted and it feels little better.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Lesson Before Dying

A Lesson Before Dying, by Ernest J, Gaines is an interesting reading. I watched the movie and then read this novel, which is marked as ALL FAIRFAX READS. My expectation of the novel  and what it turned out to me after I read stands  far apart. It is an easy reading and nothing sophisticated. Not much of suspence and not thrill,. There is nothing extraordinatry about this book. So I am pretty curious why this book was selected to be a "ALL FAIRFAX READ". I have read many books that are far superior than this one. The other reason that I feel in this way, might be because of the way  I treated  the subject. However, eventually I realized the strength of the book lies in its message.

The story in a nutshell is about a black young man who was sentenced to  death for his part in a shoot out broad daylight burglary. Even though he was at wrong place, at the wrong time, but not guilty of the all charges, still the juries passed down capital punishment on him. This black young man's godmother couldnt stand when the defedant called Jefferson a 'hog'. It was  most humiliating and insulting remarks that cut to the consciousness of the Godmother.  Thus she entrusted the black teacher to change Jefferson  into a man and "on his final day, he would walk up to the chair as a man".  The strength of the story lies in its ability to project human spirit , endurance and redemption. At the teacher's insistance and instruction, Jefferson finally came to a sense. And he has changed the way the  white people would ever look at a blackman.

The black teacher and Jefferson teamed up to challenge the notion that black people are pathetic and they are no less than an animal. Finally, Jefferson was a changed man. he has restored his black dignity. and he was executed as a man, "He was strongest  man  in that crowded room"? Maybe  the story means a lot to black people, who have experienced racial discrimination in the hand of white men.

 In the end 'two men forge a bond as they both come to understand the simple heroism of resisting  defying, the expected".

What I have learnt is that even when people know that  they are going to die  on a specified day, they still could do something on the remaining days of their lives.  That is very inspiritional and encouraging. This novel is acclaimed because it projects the juxtapostion of two extrem human characters, that is cruelty and kindess. The novel also exposes the sham of American justice system and its capital punishment, when an innocent person is put to death on charge of murder.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Rhetorical Devices

Glossary of Rhetorical Devices with examples.

Alliteration: repetition of the same sound beginning several words in sequence.

*Let us go forth to lead the land we love. J. F. Kennedy, Inaugural


"One who forms a judgement on any point but cannot explain it, 'clearly' might as well have never thought at all on the subjects"

                                                                        ----------Greek leader Pericle.

"Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man."

                                                                                 --- Francise Bacon

"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested."
                                                                        -----Francise Bacon

Sunday, January 3, 2010



The hardest stone on earth,

That glitter with sparkling luster

The best friend of all women,

A symbol of eternity and everlasting love.