Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hundreds arrested In Lhasa

When an incident occur in Tibet, it will have a pendulum effect, the two self immolation consequently lead to arrest of hundreds.


Paying out a handsome compensation is a little over the head, even the guy was tortured to death.

Lone Protest in Chamdo

 It is surprising how this incident of lone protest in Chamdo city remains unknown to the local people.

Survivor of Chinese Repression

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Forced Labour

Laogai in Tibet conference, what it is about?

When political prisoners languish in jails for many years, how they survive ? what they are forced to do ? what are the consequence of enforced labor on prisoners? How inhuman is the practice of "Labour Through Reeducation" Ch: Laogai , Is China's treatment of Tibetan  prisoners meet the international norms and  standards that guarantee the rights of the  political prisoners? These are the questions that the Laogai conference attempt to answer by inviting the former prisoners of survivors from Tibet to share their testimonials. 
Laogai in Tibet

Under the theme of Laogai in Tibet, an important conference was held on Jun 08,2012 at Rayburn building of U.S Capital . The venue was significant, as the  congressional buildings at the heart of U.S capital Washington D.C  is an important landmark, where the American ideals of freedom, liberty, justice are upheld and preserved.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Massive Security Build in Lhasa

As Chinese leader stated earlier they would declare war against Tibetan "separatists", the scene in Lhasa appear to be not less than a war zone. Read RFA's release of what stated in a Chinese official document...