Monday, May 23, 2011


Dr. Lobsang Sangay lives  up to Tibetan people's expectation. In this first interview by a Indian Natioal TV, he is very vocal and measured, and his message is loud and clear. Tibet's exile government has a fine spokesman, and great leader. In this interview I would give him 5 out of 5 .

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tibetan leafleting suspect held

I was surprised to see a video clip of the Tibetan monks being released are warmly welcomed by local Tibetans. It is a sign of their respect and reverence for their monks actions and achievement. Such footage emanating from Tibet is very rare indeed.

Summer pasture

Interesting movie,

Welcoming Heros

It is an amazing shot of how Tibetan have warmly recieved the expolitical prisioner.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tibetan warriors

When hundreds of Kirti monks are now  languishing in jail and their whereabout remains unknown, it is a shame to remain indifferent by Tibetans in foreign soil. That's way the peace march from NY to Washington D.C is a way to express solidarity and amplify their voices for the world to hear.

My curiosity picked me to ask how the idea of march was born to one of the core marchers. Like the 2008 sponteneous  uprising in Tibet, when news of dire situations in Amdo Ngaba  reached outside the world, Tibetans from all over the world  were saddened and angered. It spurred a chain of emotional outburst followed with a determination to stand up and to work to alleviate their sufferings and sorrows.

  Unsatisfied with the occassional shouting in front of the Chinese embassy in NY, few Tibetan from Amdo put forth the idea of taking a long March to Washington D.C. It was a courageous call to walk for the Kirti monks in Amdo Ngaba without any supervision or intervention from Tibetan NGO. In that way the ideas of walk spread to ten people, who are very motivated and strong willed to make the sacrifice and do something.

Most of the walkers are from Amdo, they are very patriotic people, and they are moved by the actions of kirti monks from Amdo. These ten warriors, three women and seven men walked two hundred fifty miles to reach their destination.

They were welcomed with open arms by Tibetans in the Capital area. Regional Tibetan Youth Congress hosted them lunch box in D.C and they provided snacks and tea at the welcome reception held at Vinna Community Centre.  It is an interesting scene to see the appreciation shown to these ten brave warriors. The Tibetan organizations have done commendable job in organizing such a warm reception. As one of the walkers, a monk who said that they are uneducated people, so walking to lend their support for Tibetan inside is the only way.  I would say, that it takes courage, sacrifce and gut to endure such a long journey.  These warriors spirit are high and their action speaks the importance of determination and will to struggle.

Their march might not have brought any tangile result in term of relieving the suffering of Kirti monks, but they reminded all Tibetans that kirti monks are in their darkest moment and they need us.

Their talk to the Tibetan children is inspiring and very beneficial. Tibetan sunday school have thought out an interesting program, where the children played the roles of hosting and welcoming the walkers. Hearing from the walkers would have impressed the youngsters.  This is an event that they can not forget, the kids are introduced to the importance of Tibetan language and keeping their Tibetan identity.  It helps.

It is indeed an inspiration to the Tibetan inside Tibet, what ever happens to the Tibetan brethern inside matters deeply to the Tibetan in exile. The voice of freedom rings and it echoes and it reverberates and amplified multiple times by Tibetan warriers like those ten I have seen today.

It is alway about unity,coupled with  solidarity brings strength and sustenenous to  a struggle. No matter how bleak is the situation in Tibetan, we should be reminded that a night will always be followed by a day. 

it reminds Rober Frost
"  The woods are dark, deep and lovely,
 but I have a miles to go before i sleep and miles to go before i sleep..."

Monday, May 2, 2011

His Holiness is well

I recall on my first field assignment to Ethica in upper state NY several ago, when I was covering the Dalai lama's audience with the local Tibetans. His Holines's presence is overpowering, and very serene. An air of tranquility and peace prevailed in the small hotel lobby, when some members of audience outburst with tears with joy and sadness, I couldnt control my self and joined the chorus. This time it was different, I was a reporter and acted professionally. I had the most amazing intimate close capture of  HH arriving at the Hotel.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

His Holiness arrives on May 2

"I take the path that is less travelled by others, that makes all the difference", it is not an exaggeration to state that I have have pioneered the possibility of assigned reporters to be able to send in video feed. With the required  trainning and proper equipment, you need not be a rocket scientist to single handledly film, edit and produce a several minutes of video feed.  I have proved that this is alternative that can be emulated by any reporters on their subseqent assignment.