Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March protest 2011

A Tibetan monk arrested after lone protest.

Tibetans in Tibet have observed March 10th, in various covert forms despite of extremely clamp down. According to source from Kangdze in kham , a Tibetan monk has protested on March 10th in Kandze County, coinciding the the 52nd anniversary of Tibetan national uprising day.

Around 12:00noon on March 10, 2011, a monk from Kham Gonjo shouted slogans, for free Tibet in Kandze county market areas, in the presence of big crowd. He was alone. The monk is in his 50s.

His name is Wangchen Gelek , from Gonjo. He is originally from Amtsong Monastery in kham before joining Dothong monastery in kham Kandze and stayed there five years..

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Horror and Hope

A Tibetan documentary film titled "Horror And Hope"was released,coinciding one year  anniversary of the deadly Jyekundo earth quake.

click here for the release of the story

The documentary chronicles the rescue efforts by all those came to assist aftermath of the earthquake,was produced by a local Jyekundo resident. While the film was distributing and circulating in shops, the Chinese government has banned it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


You can beat me dark and blue, but our yearn for freedom will remain unwavering. Nepali policemen are "extremely aggressive", said by an eye witness in Kathmandu. The video clip testify Nepali police violently lash out against Tibetan protesters, without any provocation. They are no different than the Chinese policemen  in Tibet.

Dalai Lama cede political power

 Not matter what the media pundits and analysts speculate, the Dalai lama is paving way for the continuity of Tibetan struggle by squarely putting the responsibility on a new breed of leadership. The Dalai Lama renouncing his ceremonial power is  hard for the Tibetan to digest. But as Holiness said, the exile democracy has fully matured and now is the time. I agree to what the BBC correspondent in Bejing said
"By devolving political power, the Dalai Lama is trying to ensure Tibetans will have an elected leader they can look to, who is outside China and beyond the Communist Party's control". see the detail article.
Tibetan exile should be proud of having such a beloved and most progressive leader. Who nurtured the exile Tibetan democracy to its full potential and now letting it stand on its own feet. Bejing will have  sleepless night. As a spokewoman of Bejing said this is a "trick" to international community. Dalai Lama possess a vision and political will that frighten the communist leaders.
I believe Tibet China conflict is a race against time, with a robust exile democracy, Tibetan can waite for decades and democracy will win eventually.

TYC protests

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chinese theives

Tibetan offers everything to the monastery to attain salvation and for good fortune, but not all Chinese nationals would perceive it in the same way. An attempted bulgary at Tibetan monastery were prevented by monks, read the detail story by clicking here..

Monday, March 7, 2011

Man Monk & Mystic

An authorized biography of the most celebrated world leader, Man, Monk & Mystic is a fascinating tale of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The title is fitting as the author attempted to describe the Dalai Lama in his multi-dimensional roles.
 He observed "I have seen many spiritual masters in my career, but there are very few who switch so effortlessly between their ordinary mortal concerns, their renunciatory  objectives, and their mystical calling as the Dalai Lama does".