Tuesday, July 28, 2009

People to people dialogue

An interesting conference of Tibetan and Chinese aimed for reconcialtion is under way in Switzerland. His Holiness The Dalai Lama will address the sino Tibetan people's conference as a keynote speaker and exile Tibetan government Prime Minister Samdhong Rinpoche would make his presence. The exile government and Chinese government's dialogue has ended in a deadlock. But the people to people dialogue has revived, mainly owing to the farsighted vision of HH. Over 100 Tibetan and Chinese scholars, and journalists and writers would meet in Switzerland at a conference aimed to bridging the gap of misunderstanding between the Chinese and Tibetan as a result of last year's Tibetan uprising.

Background: I dont recall, when the Tibetan and Chinese people's dialogue formerly started. But after the failed dialogue between the exile government's or the Dalai Lama's envoys and the concerned officials of United Front of PRC, exile government show a keen interest in reaching out to the Chinese people. Noticeablly, the appointment of Chinese speaking Tibetan officials to higher position including in His Holiness's Private office. Apa Tsegyam, is now the Dalai lama's private Secterary, and entrusted with a big responsibiliy of acting an effective liaison between the Tibetan and Chinese people. He is seen as at all the meetings of HH the Dalai lama with Chinese citizens. Another, impressive young good communicator, Kunga (not the Khampa singer in Tibet)who has an excellent command over Chinese is appointed to the Secterary position at office of Tibet, in Newyork and he is one of the coordinators of the upcoming Tibetan Chinese people's dialogue in Switzerland. Exile groups, media outlets, and exile government website have started to publish in Chinese language with the aim of reaching out to the worm eaters.

Agenda: For any meeting or conference, to be successful, a clear agenda is a must. Looking by the press release of the 'people's conference', the agenda is pretty clear and well set. Which is to discuss the main causes of last year's Tibetan uprisings. To clarify by Tibetan side that the issue of Tibet is not an ethinic issue, and that the Tibetan as an oppressed people hold no grudge against the Chinese people as such. last year's uprising was a show of deep resenment of Tibetan people against the wrongheaded policy of the Communist government for decades in China. So in a nutshell, the conference is aimed to bring understandings among Chinese and Tibetan people on the foundamental issues of Tibetan people's struggle. The conference attracts some prominent Chinese intellectuals and former government officials, even though the full list of the attendees, about 70% have not been released. Interestely, the conference is organized by an well known international reconcialation agencey in Switzerland.

It is little too early to predicate any major breakthrough from this conference. But such a conference is in the right direction, in dispelling misunderstandings and forging a stonger community relationships. So the Chinese government will not be in such position to influnce their citizens unreasonablly in times of crisis.
Dalai lama's effort to reach out to the Chinese people: it is with such an extraordinary courage andwill of the HH the Dalai Lama, an considerable number of Chinese people openned up their mind and at least listen to the Tibetan people's grivances. Lately it has been a usual practice of HH the Dalai lama at all his foreign tour to meet with Chinese students, citizens and activists. HH Dalai Lama unlocked any barrier for a face to face dialogue with interested Chinese. Even at times, when Chinese students from mainland China unable to shun the Communist government brainwash and propaganda, refuse to listen to HH the Dalai Lama, still door for people to people dialogue remains widely open. There are instances of Chinese citizen after meeting with the Dalai lama abroad, upon return to China, was expelled from their institution for no apparant reason.

His Holiness bear no grudge against these few hostile Chinese students, rather it convinced him more strongly to reach out to the Chinese people. On His Holiness the Dalai lama's latest birthday, a host of Chinese people attended the function in Dharamsala for the first time in a formal official ceremony. When HH declared after the failed dialogue, his hope for the Chinese present leadership is getting thinner and thinner, his hope for the Chinese people still remains strong. He acted upon his words and therefore garnered all these tremendous effort to reach out the Chinese people, and i believe it has been reciprocated.

Any possible breakthrough at this conference: Despite of the Dalai lama's distinction of Chinese government and the Chinese people as two separate inentities. Tibetan intellectuals, as well as among common people, they view the Chinese people and the government one and same thing. They believe both the people and the government do not wish Tibet to be free or independent. The later is true, that i dont know any current Chinese citizens or intellectual who advocated Tibetan independence. There are some Chinese intellectual who have been supportive of Tibetan people's rights, and even openly support the Dalai lama's middle way approach to solve Tibet issue. Wangli xion is one such staucnh supporter of Tibetan peeple's right to self determination or genuine autonomy. However, on his recent trip to Dharamsala, he was openly confronted by few Tibetan writers, accusing him as a Chinese government spy among other allegations. Another editor of well know Tibetan newspaper, openly stated the Tibetan issue is also ,issue of ethinicity. He sharply differs his views from the exile goverment standing,that it is too naive to think the Chinese people and Chinese government as two separate entities with complete different stand on Tibet issue. But it should not be forgotten, that even some Chinese overseas activists has put forth informally that His Holiness the Dalai lama should be the leader of Chinese democracy movement. If this is a true reflection of Chinese activists aspiration, then it should be percieved as a good compliment and recogniton of His Holiness Dalai lama's immense power and influence even among the Chinese citizens.

Declaration: I am too curious, if the people to people conference will be open to media? will be there a open declaration after the two days meeting, which will be addressed by the Dalai lama at the inauguration. How much the Chinese governemnt would react to this conference. Can any of these attendees' will be prosecuted in China, if they return to China? I think the final outcome of the conference should be measured in terms of the extend of its influence on Chinese ordinary people and its media blizt.

How much hope we can place on this goodwill of the Chinese people for Tibet's future solution?.

As for me, my dialogue and reach out to a particular Chinese intellectual has not been successful,because of some foundamental differences in our view and perspective on Tibet issue. My dialogue or consultation with this Chinese lady, started out in the following email exchanges shortly after her talk on Tibetan exile dispora in Washington......, (I withheld her name, because it was a private conversation between her and me). The email starts out with the latest in the first..

She wrote to me in her last email:
"Don't give up us just yet. We used to be a Buddhist country too. Unfortunately the Chinese went astray in the 20th century. I have been saying this for quite long time now: sooner or later the Chinese will need the Tibetans to rescue their spirits. It is happening right now. See, my grandmother was a Buddhist, my mom is a communist, and I am a Buddhist again. :) The Chinese and the Tibetans will get along when the Chinese reached the similar spiritual level as the Tibetans. When I have audience with His Holiness next month, I will humbly ask him to give Dharma talks for the Chinese believers".

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 6:07 PM, Dorjee Damdul wrote:
Hi Jiang: Is it true that the Chinese people believe the more animal is tortured; the better will be the taste. In my personal opinion, the Chinese people and Tibetan can not get along because of their differences.

But I thank you for your insights on animal abuses. I think that is a good approach to address the issue,
Leading by examples.

From: Han Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 11:08 PMTo: Dorjee DamdulSubject: Re: hello

Hi Dorjee,Thanks for coming to the talk. I know I am not that popular when I insist that the Tibetan problem is part of the general Chinese problems. However, I also argue with other Chinese scholars that, having said this, it doesn't mean that personal/national feelings of pain and humiliation can be canceled, just as the Chinese cannot be pacified by telling them the Nanjing Massacre was part of the WWII atrocities. Last year I didn't get a chance to discuss with students in Suja, but I am going to Suja again with a few more Chinese scholars this year. Requested by me, visiting Bir is going to be part of the programs this time. Even though I may not be able to accompany them as I need to interview a few old people regarding Chushi Gangdruk, but I definitely will encourage them to discuss this with the students there. My own impression so far is that young people left Tibet for various reasons, but the statistics point to two major issues: education and religion. I published an article about this last year.Animal abuse has become one of the issues in China in the recent years, and has caused backlash from European and Ameican animal rights organizations. Last year's Olympic torch relay, one of the issues China was being criticized was animal abuse, but few people paid attention to this issue, everybody was looking at the Tibetan flag. Definitely there is a cultural clash here. You know that China has been through nearly one century of violence, a few generations, including mine, were brought up without the concept of universal love and sympathy. It will take time for the Chinese to learn these basic human quality, younger generation (the 90s generation) is much better.I totally understand that Tibetans have quite different attitude toward animals, but if I may suggest, maybe you can think a different way of expressing the concern. Instead of condemning or slashing, you might want to think about a different angle, one of my favorate PR techniques is "expressing negative opinions in a positive way", instead of saying "you are wrong to treat animals like this", say something like "this is how we Tibetans treat animals, this is how other countries treat animals". But, frankly, I don't think the issue of animal abuse right now will cause much attention inside China. Sigh. ..

On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 9:34 AM, wrote:
Hello : It was nice meeting you at ICT last Thursday. And as I said it was very interesting to hear your observation of the Tibetan exile dispora. It was an effective recap of memories for the Tibetan audience of their journey in exile and a good education for the western audience. It is rare that a mainland Chinese pay that much close attention to Tibet issue, for that I congratulate you for your boldness in seeking the truth from fact, and by bridging the communication gap between Tibetan and Chinese.

What you are trying to do is not necessarily a token of support for Tibet issue, I see your attempt as way to understand the exile dispora and reasons for why Tibetans are more “out” than “in” as you said. Have you ever asked students at Suja school, where you said 90% of them escaped from Tibet, what are the reasons for their escape?

By the way, I am interested to hear your perspective on the one current issue in Tibet on which I am making a story for air show. Tibetan people in Tibet complain that Chinese buy lots of Tibetan livestock including Yak and took them to China for slaughter, and beside the process of transporting the yak is “gruesome”. For Tibetan it is a against their culture and Buddhist belief of being kindness to all animals. Do you think this is a legitimate concern expressed by the Tibetan?

If you can respond to this question, it will appreciate, otherwise you can call me...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A True Champion

When I was 17, I sling over a gun and run hither and thither along with my companions at the Tibetan Armed Resistance in Mustang. Said Jamyang Norbu (JN) at a talk in Toroton In Canada, which I looked up in Youtube. JN is one of Tibetan exile's most vocal advocate for Rangzen and no doubt a great political commentator, I had the fortunate to speak with him on Tibet issues.

By his look, he probably well past over his middle age. Based on my knowledge of Tibetan people's struggle, JN's contribution for the sustainability of the Tibetan people's movement, political awareness has been immeasurable giving the effort of Tibetan individual.

The more I read and listen to his thoughts and ideas on Tibet politics and, the more I respect him as great Tibetan. When listening to his speech at a Toroton in Canada, right before the Olympics in China, JN called for Tibetans to rise up and do whatever an individual is capable of doing for the Tibetan cause. He has a great vision and he is passionate and realistic in his goal for Tibetan independence. At the meeting JN outlined the possibility of China's downfall and Tibetan opportunity for a free country.

JN is not only a literary critic, he is a renowned political commentator, sometimes even transgressing the redline. Undeterred by any minor incidents of hostility and potential mob violence against his unanticipated comments and writings on HH the Dalai Lama's person and entourage , he set up Tibetan weekly newspaper in the early 90s, as a springboard for public discussion on contemporary Tibet issues. The paper become extremely popular, but editor's particular comments relating to the persons of HH the Dalai Lama, backfired. Probably he touched on the nerve of Tibetan people. As result of his open and bold commets, he was not only threatened but hassled in the Dharamsala streets. Elder Tibetan people jeered at him for his unholy comments fueled by rumor mongers . Eventually, "Mangtso' did not survive and subsequently Ani Machen institute lost its lustre.

The other day, in my conversation with a relative in South India, he excitedly reported to me, that JN came to Sera and gave talk to to the monks on the theme of "Rangzen". Surprisingly the monks, majority of them applauded his individual efforts in bringing awareness and education to the Tibetan masses on Rangzen. And of course there are few monks who appeared to be agitated with JN for his off the exile official and the Dalai lama's approach to solve Tibet issues.
True to his words, JN's tour to south India is aimed to reach out to the Tibetans people and remind them that "Rangzen" can not be belittled and forgotten. I believe JN learnt to carefully chose his words when talking of the Dalai Lama. He has finally understands it to his own advantage. For I noticed in his speech, he referred to Gyalwang Ripoche with sincere reverence and veneration. That goes well with the Tibetan people. JN is a true shining star, and he is a practical and action oriented man. Exile Tibetan needs more of such a patriotic and intelligent person and less of political demagogue, who is all talk ,no action.

Honorary citizenship

Tibet may not be recognized as a nation, but Tibet's temporal and spiritual leader the Dalai Lama is recognized as indisputable leader of the six million Tibetan. The upcoming Polish city Warsaw's conferment of honorary citizenship to the Dalai Lama is one of the numerous laurels recognizing Tibet leadership on international stage, unsurpassed by any leaders of a free nation.

Tibetan people across the three provinces in Tibet, tuned in to Tibetan international broadcaster, for this wonderful piece of information. As what is called, opinion leader or community leader in Tibet's rural, remote areas shares news and views of Tibetan in exile, particularly the activities of the Dalai lama to their fellow friends.

Each time when the profile the Dalai Lama's international stature raised high, so is the spirit of the Tibtan people in Tibet. Dalai Lama is almost identical to Tibet nation and Tibetan people. World recognition for the Dalai Lama is a matter of great prestige for the Tibetan people in general and the Tibetan movement in particular.

The Chinese government will expectantly rebuke, threaten polish city Warsaw for consequence with such a open defiance of China's anger. It will be another good media publicity for Tibet issue and probably the in unrest Xijiang. I am sure that media are dying to ask questions to the Dalai lama on events in East Turkistan. The Dalai Lama has tactfully issued an appeal letter to the Chinese government to restrain from their dealing with the uighers and send his prayers for the victims of the violence. But now he will come out into the world stage, in front of media and journalist, and the Dalai Lama needs to be prepared to voice his views and concern on the issues. This is where the Tibetan exile government needs to have a spokesman.

It is as i already wrote ones, a great public relation strategy, and the Tibetan exile government has not issued any formal statement on the Uigher protest, can they remain silent ?. The Dalai Lama has to walk on a tight rope, for both side, the Chinese and the Uigher can both be offended by a slight misstep by the Dalai Lama. His Holiness the Dalai Lama sometimes can be very direct and blunt in his address to the media and several misinterpretation already occurred, that the exile government has to frantically correct, as pointed out in an article by JN.

His Holiness the Dalai lama's foreign tour often bring tremendous attention to the issue ofTibet, and there is sufficient media interest on his charismatic personality and his appealing messages. Tibetan people inside Tibet followed closely, to the news of the Dalai Lama's engagement with Western nations, and this too keep up their hope for an eventual solution for the Tibet issue and to their plight. There is no doubt that after the conferment of the U.S congressional gold medal to HH the Dalai Lama in 2007, Tibetan peoples; hope and spirit were never so upbeat, and it had a ripple effect on the last year's massive protest in Tibet. The Dalai lama's congressional gold medal award DVD is a much sought after watch in Tibet. This simple event ignited the freedom fire of Tibetan people that engulfed the entire three Tibetan provinces.
By offering the honorary citizenship to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the polish people pays their deepest respect to this man of peace, who embrace universal peace and responsibility. It will be an honor for the War city, as stated by city council leader to recognize the Dalai Lama's role for world peace. May, HH the Dalai Lama live 1000 years !!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Ban on Dalai Lama's protrait lifted?

Some of the exile Tibetan news outlets reported that the Dalai Lama's portraits are now allowed to display in some parts of Kham areas in Tibet. International broadcaster attempted to confirm the news, but so far with not much success. However, RFA's stringer Norbu Damdul in Australia learnt from his sources in Tibet, particularly the region, ?(where the ban on Dalai Lama's photo allegedly being lifted), that there was no mention of the Dalai Lama at all in all the meetings held in Kham Juro and Dangron.

Interestedly, a meeting of sort was held in several locality in Kham, where some Tibetan Chinese officials praised the Tibetan tradition and Tibetan language rooted in ancient heritage.
The news initially came from a monk, in South India, who told some exile media, including VOT, which without a second source or cross check, released the information and quoted by Phayul website lavishly.
Given the Chinese government's current vilification against the Dalai Lama, it is impossible that the Chinese would allow to display the Dalai lama's pictures in Tibet. The early report suggested that the Tibetans were very doubtful of the intention of Chinese government officials for such announcement. If ever there was such thing,then it is a 90 degree change of Tibet policy of Chinese government. In the event of such lift on the banned picture of Dalai Lama's , the world has plenty of reasons to advocate the Dalai lama's peaceful campaign for Tibet. This would also encourage more vocal expression and protest inside Tibet. Or Maybe, the Chinese officials testing the water.

Until now the Tibetans have been worshipping the Dalai Lama in secret, and allowing to display means open loyalty and respect , allegiance to the Dalai lama is officially permitted. Interestingly the vice president of Student for Free Tibet, Tendor la said, though he thinks that the information could not be verified, but if it turned to be true, then this policy must the make of a Central Bejing authorities, as he thinks no local authorities would arbitrarily act in such a way.

Just by using our common sense,there are plenty of reasons that the Chinese government either local or central would not lift the ban on the Dalai Lama picture.

1.Dalai Lama is a symbol of Tibetan identity and Tibet nation. Chinese government perceive anything that revive Tibetan identity is a threat to Chinese community party. The curb on Dalai Lama's picture required to be remain, so that the Tibetan masses would be less distracted from their goodwill of the communist party.
2.In the most recent concluded Sino Tibetan round of dialogue, the Chinese delegations boldly and very arrogantly rejected Dalai lama's leadership for the Tibetan people. It is very apparent that the Chinese officials try to downplay the significance of the Dalai lama in the Tibetan people's lives.
3.Dalai Lama in his march 10th, statement hit out against the Chinese goverment's policy, in a harsh tone, by comparing Chinese policy in Tibet brought "a hell on earth". Chinese leaders were seething by such a statement.
4. The Dalai Lama's popularity and influence is gaining in the west by leaps and bound, a exile leader who stay shoulder to shoulder with the leader of the world's most powerful nation, U.S. China has no intention and willing to give credit to the Dalai lama's reputation, by allowing to put back his pictures in Tibetan homes and monastery.
5. The Chinese local leaders, especially the TAR officials were making a living by accusing and attacking the Dalai lama element as separatist, as evidenced in letter and comments by a Tibetan veteran communist, who still live in Bejing. These scavengers , can not afford to lose their bowls by showing lenience to the Dalai Lama.

These are some simple and straightforward reasons, that tolarence to the protrait or any images of the Dalai Lama is impossible under the current Chinese leadership. Scholars and researchers pointed out the glaring fact that the Chinese wait the Dalai Lama to pass away, for as long as the Dalai Lama exist, so will be the importance and high profile of the Tibetan issue to stay intact.
Whether the unconfirmed news of the Dalai lama's banned picture is true and untrue is insignificant. What require to look in to the issue of Dala lama is simply an illustration of the Tibetan people's greatest yearn for freedom and their beloved spiritual leader the Dalai Lama.
The words around the Dalai lama's portrait, could have been circulated reflecting the intensity of Tibetan people's urge to see their leader or be blessed by the very presence of his portraits.

Simply put it is the Tibetan people's illusion.
What knows, if a local Tibetan in Kham, simply forwarded his wishes of Dalai Lama's picture to an exile, who without much thinking, believed it as a hard concret news from Tibet.

What if some Tibetan, just cooked up the information with the hope that the Tibetan people can now pay their respect and homage openly to the Tibetan's god king ?

This information has raised more questions than could possibly be answered.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cry for Freedom

This teenager,Lobsang Nyndak just turned 18 and he was studying at Guru Tibetan Teacher's Training Institute. The institute was miles away from Chamdo city. A bold protest staged by three of Lobsang's friends early this year, gave the extra impetus for his rebellious thoughts. The subsequent Chinese crackdown and torture resulted death of Pema Tsepak, one of his relatives, and two other still being held in jail did not deter him . As a matter of fact, the Zogan incident was a turning point in Lobsang's life. He saw and he heard villagers whisper on the gallantry act of the trio youth. Pema Tsepak was holding the banned Tibetan national flag high up, and charged towards the police blockage in a most fearsome encounter. Even though, Lobsang did not involve in this protest. He has a deep sense of admiration and respect for three youngster's sacrifices. He secretly harboured an urge to follow their suit, and he was waiting for that moment.

A strange feeling of loneliness and sadness descended on him. His usual interesting on studies and education seemed immaterial to him. He skipped the class to find his own space and privacy to ponder on issues. He also can not put away the faces of his family away, so he called up home and inquired about their health. Upon learning the family members are in good health, especially his grandfather, with whom he shared the most intimate relationship, he set on his goal. Lobsang did not want to bother anyone else, except for himself. He can not read any of his friends mind and he also doubt their determination to venture on such a risky mission. His purpose was to vent his own feelings and take responsibilities of his own action.

On a Sunday on June 28,2009 it was school off day. Students from his teacher's training institution take the day off to pay visit to their relatives and friends at nearby Chamdo city. Lobsang too wanted to go for a sightseeing and meet some his acquaintances in Chamdo, with the ultimate mission for the trip still hidden to himself. Lobsang accompanied another student friend and they toured the city and dropped at several places to meet friends. As morning gives way to afternoon, and no sooner they have return to school. Back to where they were supposed to be . But Lobsang's determination was as solid as a rock and his mission was too sacred to pass up.

Pleading his companion to depart in advance for the school, as he would take some time for other business to attend, Lobsang with dogged determination set upon on his risky business. It was crowded market, and one of the busiest in the Chamdo city. Pulling out his slogans written on white sheet and a symbol of Tibetan national flag with spattered of inks on a white clothes, he rummaged through streets of Toto Gan, shouting "Free Tibet" slogans and "China quit Tibet".
onlookers stunned by the determination of this lone protester. But no onlookers seemed to understand the very act of defiance. After doing a round of protest and shouting at his loudest he entered into a vicinity of a police station, in an apparant act surrendering and confession. Then it was there, he was nabbed, as told by witness on the spot.
The next day, the institute of teacher's training in Guru learnt of his protest and arrest. Six students mainly from Tsawa, came to Chamdo to plead authorities to release Lobsang, on the ground that he is good student. The group also warned police to protest, if he is not released.
Police chided the students and told them to stay away from this or face problem. The youngsters, after returning to their school, attempted to mobilize more students, but the Principal of the institute foiled the plan for further protest.
Meanwhile. Lobsang's parents, came to visit him. Police jailed Lobsang in Taza Thong police station as saw by newly released prisoner. His parents were denied the visitation and they had sought comfort with hope of their clothes and food staff and money be delivered to Lobsang by the security guard.
Lobsang was in jail without a formal hearing of his case, which is a usual practice in Tibet. He had no remorse, and as a matter of fact, he is at peace that finally he fulfilled his own dream of standing up against the mighty China. The effectiveness and organization of the protest was secondary to him. What mattered most for him was his cry for freedom. Eventually, he joined the ranks of living Martyrs.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Act of defiance.

(The following informations lack details and i have penned it down as told by the witness in a hurry,)

A middle aged man by the name of Youten Gyaltso around 40, presumably from Kham Gonjon, staged a demonstration in the City of Chamdo in Kham .

A few days ago on July 17th, according to the witness, a lone Tibetan protester shouted "Free Tibet" at a place called Then Chen Gon Chang in the middle of Chamdo city .The protester dressed in Chupa, Tibetan tradition dress threw up a bunch of leaflets in the air and running around shouting "Free Tibet". One of such a leaflet scattered around obtained by the witness contained slogans such as "We want Free Tibet" in Tibetan language and besides the protester revealed his identity such as name and place of birth on the leaflets .

The witness said no sooner there was a big convoy of police vehicles rushed to the scene with sirens blaring, which could be heared in the entire Chamdo city. The protester was finally over powered and arrested by policemen after about 10 minutes into the incident. The witness saw a kind of melee ensued with the arrival of police force on the scene, many Tibtans were weeping, as people running from all directions in a chaotic situation. After the incident, security were beefed up in Chamdo at all the adjacent roads, with police guards stationed all over.

Oh, my Tibetan brother, your yearning for freedom rings...

Tibetans Risk Lone Protests
Chinese security forces fail to prevent recurring demonstrations protesting China's rule in Tibet.

A Chinese policeman stands guard in front of the Potala Palace in Lhasa, June 20, 2008.
KATHMANDU—Two Tibetans recently staged separate protests against Chinese rule in Tibet, defying security crackdowns and braving the near-certainty of harsh treatment in detention, Tibetan sources said.
Sporadic demonstrations, both by individuals and by small groups, have continued in the region for more than a year following widespread unrest that began in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, in March 2008 and spread to Tibetan-populated areas of China.
Protests are quickly dispersed by Chinese security forces, with detained protesters often beaten, sometimes severely, according to reports.
“On June 28, a young Tibetan, a student at the Guru Teacher Training School in Dzogong [county, of the Chamdo prefecture of the Tibet Autonomous Region] was detained for protesting in Chamdo city,” said a Tibetan man now living in Canada, citing area contacts.
The student, Lobsang Nyendrak, 18, had walked to town with a friend earlier in the day, the man said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Nyendrak then urged his friend to return alone to the school, saying he had “other business” to attend to.
When his friend left, the source said, Nyendrak pulled out a hand-made banner along with a cloth bearing the colors of the banned Tibetan national flag. He then walked through the the local market, calling out “Tibet is independent!” and “China quit Tibet!”
“He walked straight toward the police station in Chamdo, calling on Tibetans to ‘rise up’ behind him,” the source said.
Nyendrak was then immediately detained, according to witnesses.
Stadium protest
When fellow students learned next day that Nyendrak was being held, six of them went to Chamdo to plead for his release, the source said.
Turned away by police, the students returned to the school and began to organize a wider protest, but the school’s principal blocked their plans.
Then, on July 17, a man named Yonten Gyatso—aged about 40 and a native of Dege in Kham—staged a solitary protest in a Chamdo sports stadium, said the source.
“He ran a complete circuit of the stadium while displaying fliers,” the man said. “The people who were gathered there cheered him on, and there was some commotion. In the fliers, the man gave his name and called on others to protest for the cause of Tibet.”
Achi Dolma, a Tibetan woman living in New York, confirmed the account, also citing sources in Chamdo.
“A convoy of police vehicles rushed to the scene with sirens blaring,” Dolma said.
“A melee ensued, with Tibetans weeping and people running in all directions,” she continued. “The protester managed to escape in the confusion.”
“Afterward, security was strengthened in Chamdo on the roads nearby, and police were stationed all over.”
The protester was finally detained by police on July 21, she added.
Reached for comment on July 22, local police confirmed there had recently been “some incidents” in Chamdo.
“The persons responsible were not locals, but came from outside the area,” a police spokesman said, adding that one person had been detained the night before and that another, “a student from Tsawa Dzogong,” was already being held.

Original reporting by Dorjee Damdul for RFA’s Tibetan service. Tibetan service director: Jigme Ngapo. Translations by Karma Dorjee. Written in English by Richard Finney. Edited by Sarah Jackson-Han.
Copyright © 1998-2009 Radio Free Asia. All rights reserved.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tibetan Pride

Woeser's blog is the blog that I cant help revisiting. She is such a prolific Tibetan writer, i am awed by the volume of postings on a wide range of topics. Giving my limited proficiency in Chinese language I can not keep up with her daily entries. But there are plenty of thoughtful short articles or piece that attracts me most. Woeser's writings often makes reader to pause a moment to think and reflect on the state of our affairs. It is no surprising that the Chinese officials ousted her from a prestigious post in Lhasa, lest for her searing patriotism reach far and wide among Tibetan official cadres. Now based in Bejing and as professional blogger she churns out reports and opinion pieces on various social issues and particularly matters related to Tibet on daily basis.
Her blog gained its popularity and it has become a portal of news worthy informations for commentators, analysts and journalists world wide.
The Chinese officials might never thought that this is going to be outcome of her expulsion. In the past numerous of her blog sites were shut down. But she managed to host them again reaching out to an ever increasing readerships . I assume that her blog is accessible within China and Tibet, so Chinese educated Tibetan who has access to internet might be aware of her blog and browsing its content stealthily. Mainly written in Chinese Mandarin, i wonder the kind of impact her postings has on China's millions of Internet users. She has a sterling reputation as a writer of integrity in Tibetan exiles, and she was conferred several awards to that effect. I assume she has earned her spot even among the Chinese intelligentsia. A petite bespectacled Tibetan woman with the heart of lion has sparked a silent revolution and its effect on the conscious of the readers is unfathomable.
I came upon on one of her recent pieces titled " Being a Tibetan, what is to be proud of " (This is what i interpret and it could be wrong). Based on my limited knowledge in Chinese, I tried hard to read word by word and get the gist of her deliberations. Woeser argues that being a Tibetan there is nothing to be proud of, giving the current state of affair. She said the ancient culture, the ancient language, and the ancient customs we practise and cling to so dearly, was the legacy of our forefathers. The present Tibetan generations havent contributed anything worth mentionings. What will be our legacy to the future generations? so it is the posterity that will determine our Tibetan pride. (Giving the place and circumstance under which she writes, i think we need to interpret her ideas not literally but figuratively). To be continued....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Loud and Clear

Emerging out of my office and on the way to home, I was trudging along an alley to the Metro stations, when I heard this clamour from a roadside. Intrigued, I followed the direction from I hear this boot of slogans emanating. Then I saw a line of people stretched out at a corner of the roadside. A middle aged woman blaring out through a megaphone "Free Press "and the group joined in " In Iran" ,albeit in a weak chorus. The slogans was not deafening but audible. What helped most for the group was some hand made posters and banners screaming out their grievances in the troubled region of Iran. Without those signs, it would be a simple crowd of people, staring and standing with a sense of direction.

It was not a large protest, and the people present appeared not as enthusiastic and passionate as they should be. Standing along in one single file at the corner of the road, some even have their hands in pocket, and give the impression of reluctance for what they are doing. I doubt such a gathering could send out their message loud and clear to the onlookers and those people who drives by . This is by no means the perception of a spectator.

What I was witnessing reminded me of similar Tibetan people's protest against China during key anniversary or the visit of Chinese dignitaries. Tibetan protest in Washington D.C or in other parts of the country for most of the time have a considerable turnout of people.
But the protest can be more effective and more powerful if organizers and people involved could ensure to implement few things. The purpose of any demonstration is to draw attention and get media publicity for Tibetan people's flight. For that to happen, the size of the event matters hugely, therefore the event organizer should have the wisdom of making best use of the people present. Wherever there is a crowd and there is a natural sense of curiosity. Even a small group of people can enhance its effectivensss by handouting Tibetan national flags, and banners to each and every protesters.

There need to be a unified slogans and simple strategy to serve the goal of the protest. For example, protesters should raise the banner that resonates the protest and , or wave the Tibetan national flag or anything that symbolizes the issues. Instead of punching their fist in the air, palanquins, banner and flags were more symbolic and it sends out a clear and loud message, besides adding to the grandeur of the protest.

Creative and meaningful slogans could capture the lens of camera man and the eyes of media person. During 2008 Tibetan uprising, Tibetan college students in China showed their solidarity by observing a candle light vigil and a popular hand scripted slogan "IN SOLIDARITY WITH TIBETAN PEOPLE" in Tibetan language. This few simple words put together says a lot for the purpose of the sit in.
in Switzerland, a family dedicated their time to draw a catchy and attractive caricatures in a big white screen. Capturing the essence of China's brutality in Tibet in an artistic way. Then there was the trade mark slogans by Students for Free Tibet that mimic the Chinese official Olympic slogans " One World One Dream, Free Tibet". And not to forget the shoe throwing spectacular of an Iraqi journalist against George Bush. These are few example of a creative and innovative ways of protest. As the adage goes "it is better to see ones than to hear a thousand times". With the passage of time, the achoes of voice will die out but the images of protest and slogans will linger.
Next time, when a protest to be staged, the concerned individual participants should rack their brains for a novel way of raising the issues to be seen conspicuously. Or if nothing is handy, then hold onto a snow lion flag and hoist it high. It is a symbol of Tibetan nation and Tibetan people and we should pay due respect to its significance by not wrapping around oneself, which I have seen Tibetan do during protest.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Love Is Understanding

While flipping through the pages of this classic religious literature"Old Path White Cloud" by Thich Nhat Hanh, I landed my eyes upon an interesting chapter, that relates to the concept of "love". Love is a mystery to many of us. and Love is also the most misunderstood word. Expression such as: love is blind, love knows no boundary, love at first sight, in love there is suffering, further complicate the true meaning of love. No doubt the effect of love is endearing, and it is a most cherished human emotion.

After skimming over the chapter on 'love', it has unravelled the mystery of love. Like a surgeon dissecting a body to investigate the cause of the illness, 2500 years ago, this young wise prince learnt the truth about love, and laid out to the eyes of layman the intricacies of love and its different types.
Here I take the privilege of quoting from the chapter on love. So the story goes :

"One afternoon, the Buddha received a young man whose face was lined with grief and misery. The Buddha learned that the man had recently lost his only son and for several days had stood in the cemetery crying out loud, "my son, my son, where have you gone?" The man was unable to eat, drink, or sleep".
The Buddha told him, "In love there is suffering".

As a reader, now I can perceive your bewilderment on this statement by the Buddha. So it is no surprising as the man responded by objecting what Buddha just said, " You are wrong. Love doesn't cause suffering, Love brings only happiness and joy". The bereaved man abruptly left before the Buddha could explain what he had meant.

Did Buddha mean then that the more you love the more you suffer? let find out, because whatever the Buddha says is always well thought , and meditated upon. After some people inquired Buddha about the validity of his pronouncement on love, then Buddha responded unflinchingly:
" Recently I heard that a woman in Savatthi lost her mother. She was so grief-stricken that she lost her mind and has been wandering the streets asking everyone, 'Have you seen my mother?Have you seen my mother?' I have also heard about two young lovers who committed suicide together because the girl's parents were forcing her to marry someone else. These two stories also demonstrate that love can cause suffering".

So in a way the Buddha ask us all, " if some misfortune befell to one of you dear ones, would you suffer?"
but don't be mistaken, Buddha does not say we should not love, what he says is this
" There are many kinds of love. We should examine closely the nature of each kinds of love. Life has a great need of presence of love, but not the sort of love that is based on lust, passion, attachment, discrimination and prejudice. There is another kind of love, sorely needed,which consists of loving kindness and compassion".

So Buddha concludes his sermon on love with the following guidance:
"The love for which all beings truly hunger is loving kindness and compassion. Loving kindness or Maitri is the love that has the capacity to bring happiness to another. Karuna or compassion is the love which has the capacity to remove another's suffering. Both do not demand anything in return. Loving kindness and compassion are not limited to one's parents, spouse, children, relatives, caste members, and countrymen. They extend to all people and all beings" He continues
"with loving kindness and compassion , life is filled with peace, joy, and contentment".

To my readers, I have to confess here, that i dont know if I can love someone including my dear wife and baby without attachment. But Buddha's explanation of love helped me a lot in understanding love, that love is indeed understanding.

Tibetan language

Bejing based Tibetan writer and poet Woeser's most recent entry on her blog http://tibet.woeser.com/?p=8609 drives home a point that the standard of Tibetan language in China's so called Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) is to the point of dismal. Which she thinks is very disgraceful to say the least. She urges the TAR officials to make Tibetan language the medium of instruction and standardized test for job and training recruitment.

Woeser and her friend recently investigated /researched the standard of Tibetan language in all the Tibetan regions under PRC. To her surprise, the findings concludes the standard of Tibetan language in Tibetan Autonomous region is very poor. Woeser whines many Tibetans in Lhasa frequently go to Nangma and induldge in drinking and dance, which according to her view is a sheer wasting of their time. Thus Tibetan who cares for the preservation and promotion of their culture and language have dwindled . Tibetan regions that scored high points in the standard of Tibetan language are Tibetan autonomous regions of Gansu, Ganan and Amdo Ngapo. The regions that shows poor standard of Tibetan languages are, some of the Kham areas, such as Yushu, Decheng, and Tibetan Autonomous regions.

The reasons for this deteriorating standard of Tibetan languages is attributed to lack of good professional institutions and proper education guidance and facilities in these areas. Except in some Amdo regions, all other Tibetan autonomous regions conduct test for profesisonal and employment purpose all in Chinese. Woeser raised the question, why Tibetan are not given the test in their own mother tongue?

Even though Woeser did not mention what means of criteria applied for the evaluation, yet her assessment by and larges reflects the true level of Tibetan education as censurable from new Tibetan arrivals in Nepal and India. Tibetan from Amdo tend to be more educated whereas Tibetan from Kham, many of them are illiterate. The most celebrated Tibetan poet, Woeser implores that her fellow Tibetans compatriots took to heart the importance of promoting and preserving Tibetan language and culture. She said why the so called Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) failed to implement at least 20% of test in Tibetan language itself shows the government priorities in education policies .

I am curious that if exile government and institutions take a similar assessment of Tibetan language standard in exile, particularly in all the schools and institutions , then we will know the truth, whether Tibetans in exile are better off in preservation of Tibetan language than the Chinese occupied Tibet. Recently in a response to a reporter's questions on the standard of Tibetan language in Nepal's Songtsang high school, the Principal without reservation replied " As far as Tibetan language are concerned, I think comparing to other Tibetan schools, our school neither ranks high nor too low. Our student's Tibetan language standard is mediocre " .
The Department of education in exile government after introducing Tibetan proficiency test as a requirement for Fulbright scholarship, only then there was surge of interest in learning Tibetan by graduate students, who aspire for the coveted scholarship. Crash course in Tibetan language were also offered to meet these demands.
Tibetan language will be taken seriously by the majority of Tibetan only when it become necessary for employment and advancement in career. In today's consumeristic society ,people may not learn the language just because it is holy language and it is our mother tongue. There need to be a high demand for it. For example in most recent time arabic language is extremely popular in schools and university in U.S. Since U.S is on a global war on terror, knowledge on arabic languages is essential for intelligence gathering, and oversea post in most of Arab and Muslim countries. Hence, U.S government agency and top organizations prefer their new recruitments with knowledge in arabic language.

Sunday, July 12, 2009




Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fact vs Fiction

The July 5th Sunday unrest in Xinjiang and subsequent ethnic clashes leaves us with many unanswered questions. But based on reliable sources of information, that are corroborated, one can come to the following conclusions, that there are facts and also fiction:

Facts: Police opened fire on protesters. Chinese police did not crackdown on Han Chinese mob http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nYzgsSUSiE&NR=1as much as they did to Uigher minorities. The initial protest was largely peaceful. The Chinese did not have evidence to prove that exiled Uigher leader Rabeya Kadeer, instigated the protest.
Uigher did not say they want to kill or beat people, they demanded justice from the authorities. The Chinese government did not give a chance to the peaceful and peacefully started demonstration. The Chinese authorities were responsible for the atrocities. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8144362.stm

Fiction: The Chinese local xijiang government put the casualty figures at 184, without specifying who committed this offence. The exile Uighur group says Uigher casualties understated.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Value crisis

In a recent interview with HH the Dalai lama by a Germany journalist, the Dalai Lama was asked about the economic crisis to which he responded that the "financial crisis isn't purely a crisis of market economy, bur rather a crisis of value". From this interview, the Dalai Lama shared his insights on world economic woe, and I am impressed tremendously as always by His Holiness the Dalai lama's wisdom. The Tibetan spiritual leader may not have a economic background, but his indepth knowledge on Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, enabled him to grasp the human mentality so comprehensively and so sophisticatedly that he is well suited to comment on all issues. The Dalai Lama is a thinker, philosopher, scholar and scientist and economist. The world thinkers, scholars and journalists, weigh each and every words of HH, because in my view, they are so relevant and rational in this post modern interconnected world.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama's solution for the economic crisis is to inculcate value education starting from school, and so the change should begin with each individuals. Greed is the root cause as spelled out by HH . His Holiness also said the people who are most affected by this world financial crisis are the one who only think about money-even dream about it -are affected the most by it. So what lessons if any can learn from this economic crisis. Yes, the lessons we learn are many "the value of money is limited and insecurity is huge. Inner value, such as friendship, trust, honesty and compassion are much more reliable than money-they always brings strength and happiness". Despite of huge economic leap for the Chinese leadership, the Dalai Lama warns potential danger to it "communist elites only think about power and money, and this can be very destructive". So the bottom line is that money is not everything for a happy life not even for a happy society or presperous nation. As for happiness for an individual there is a formula :Happiness=compassion+emptiness. For a detail understanding of emptiness and compassion, "The Wisdom of Forgiveness" by HH the Dalai and Victor Chan is a must read. This is one of those rare books I have read by HH the Dalai Lama and it changed me and so will you on your outlook on life and its purpose.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Uigher revolution .

Five prominent Tibetan NGO based in Dharamsala organized a candle light vigil in expression of solidarity with the Uigher Muslims. The Dalai Lama issued a statement "I am deeply saddend by the deterioting situation in Xijiang and more so for loss of lives. I pray for the victims of family" and His Holiness also urged Chinese government to exercise restrain in handling the situation. A few Tibetans took part in Uighers demonstartions to protest Chinese crackdown in Washignton D.C. One thing is strikingly missing , it is the exile Tibetan government. It is not hard to predicate why the exile government remained silent on the events in Xijiang. There is a possibility that the exile government is losing an important public relation strategy, for keeping mum. The world is monitoring the situations in Xiajiang with such interest and intensity, leading newspapers from the continents churned out an plethora of editorials and Op-ed and reports on this Muslim minority clash with Han majority. U.S lawmakers were gearing up for a resolution to condemn the Chinese repression on the protesters, and dare to stand up with Rabiya Kadeer who is labelled by the Chinese officials as "terrorist" or "inciter"Turkyi Prime Minister would rise the issue on UN security council. The UN general secretary was "alarmed" by the number of death. President Hu Jiato cut short of his G-8 summit, a huge lose of face and an opportunity to exercise China's influence on major world issues with its counterparts in Rome.
It does not end here. The event in Xijiang has a rippling effect. Its consequence will be far reaching. Who knows, it is the beginning of the end of a trynicall rull. A Madarine caller to RFA said " ... only when the Han and Uighers unit to fight against CCP, can the people be victorous".

The scope of the protest.
It is not overstating that the Sunday's protest was unprecedented to say the least. News trickled out the protest was initially started by college students who express solidarity for the Uigher victems of Gongdong toy factory. in an Youtube image, thousands of protesters marching with nothing visible their hands. The incident could have been more damaging and more bloody, have the local authorities failed to intervene . South China Morning post reported "Thousands of students detained at college" in an obvious move to prevent their roles in the waves of protest that rocked Xingiang. From Uramqi, the clash spiraled into neighourings cities Kashagar and others. unconfirmed sources put the death figure at 1000, mainly from police shooting and beaten. XingUighers overseas spared no time to vent their support for their brethren. In Turkey, hundreds of Uighers scuffled with police for demonstration in front of Chinese embassy. In Holland, 13 Uighers were charged for hurling stones at the Chinese embassy in a vent of their frustration and anger. "The week's events have catapulted Ms. Kadeer to a new level of global recognition" thus wrote in a byline article in Newyork Time.

Foreign media

What analysts term as a "media savvy", Chinese government this time allowed foreign media to cover the events except in a stage managed manner. Foreigon correspondents access to the Uighers neighbourhood were denied and interview with locals were closely watched by official prodigies. Did China really learn a lesson from their blackout media tactic in 2008 Tibet uprising and now allowing this seemingly semi free reporting by foreign journalist. An answer to this question from the Neyork times's Curry wrote "By allowing reporters immediate, if controlled , access, China wins some plaudits for its openness. These tour groups usually included a continents from country such as Nepal and Russia, where press is nominally free, but journalistic standard are rather flexible and relation with Chinese government are good. These journalists were relied on to produce a suitable number of "independent" stories in English and other languages parrot the the coverage in the Chinese State run press. In today's media world where search engine hits matter more than quality of writing, the Chinese are probably correct in calculating that the small number of predictably negative stories from the likes of the Newyork Times... are acceptable cost to achieve parity or even supremacy in the post protest online spine zone". However, even this is a fact , I would not complain of what irresponsible journalist report. The burden is on the individual journalist and their ethical consciousness. Truth will be revealed, and it can not be hidden.
what is the root causes ,
Chinese officials in Xingjiang pointed their fingers squarely on the frail exile Uigher world congress chairperson Rabeya Kadeer, and "outside influence". The later lashed out on the lacklustre response of the local authorities in Gongdong to the toy factory brawl, and the China's 6 decades of repression and marginalization of Turkey identity and culture, and of course communist propaganda against Uigher as a "enemy" of the state and "terrorist", that fueled the resentment against each other, and so the root cause of the this ethinic clash..

China's harmonous society undermined. The event unequivocally send a clear and loud message that the foundation of communist party and its stability has been shaken. And Hu's mantra of harmonous society were shattered. Hu Jintao would not skip the G-8 summit, if the situation was not that grave. The Chinese government is a obsessed with maintaining stability and this major social upheaval become a nightmare. They would leave no stone unturned to crack and restore calm and peace to the region as evidenced with massive reinforcement of troops. If not quelled and resolved this simmering tension between the ethnics and it has the potential to derail China's territorial integrity and topple the communist power. After all it was the ethnic conflicts in former Soviet union that lead to its downfall. Who will win, the Chinese government or the disadvantaged Uighur people? it sound a simple question, but there wont be a correct answer, only time will tell.
I dont know if the exile Tibetan government is making a strategic blunder by not issuing any statement on the events, so does the U.S government. Interestedly, a Chinese professor at Renmin University in Beijing, Shi Yinhong commented " China's foreign ministry officials are smart enough to know the fundamental difference between some human rights organizations, and congress and the us government". But do the Chinese officials make a distinctions between the Dalai lama, exile government, exile parliament and other NGO. It has been China's practise to heap all the blames on Dalai Lama for any "splittist"actions that any exile entities engage in. Or could it be exile government is still creating a conducive environment? and hoping against hope for a dialogue, which i say will be a whimsical dream.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Uighurs vs Tibetan

The news of deadly "riots" in Xingjiang has splashed across the front pages of the world media. It is an irony that some U.S politician including Hillary Clinton says" we don't know all the facts, urged both sides to restrain". Whereas U.S speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi condemned the "brutal crackdown against peaceful protesters, and expressed concern for those detained during protest". Is US, the world's most powerful nation sending a right signal to China with such contradictory statements on the same issues and events unfolded in the China -occupied far western region of Xingjiang. What do the advocate of human rights make of Clinton's spineless statements?
Scholars and experts on China flatly rejected the notion that "quiet diplomacy" will not work with China. But still the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is too timid when making comments on China's policy against minorities. In her most rest trip to China, Clinton said human rights issue will not supersede trade and other priorities that US would like to engage with China. Ones deemed as a "hero" for standing up for the rights of voiceless, has now stabbed on their back. Is Clinton worthy of our respect?
amateur video images posted on social networks such as twitters and others shows the initial protest were peaceful and as crowd of hundreds of people marching through a thoroughfare avenue. Yet in another video, it is apparent who is charging against who. The peaceful protesters refused to disperse, that is when the Chinese riot police beat and chased them away, as seen in this clip http://http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1mOTG11KE4&feature=related

News analysts and commentator started to draw a parallel of 2008 Tibetan uprisings and the current Uighur protest in Urumqi. Both the protest started in a peaceful way, and turned into deadly riots resulting lost of innocent lives. Trace of identical elements in this mass protest are :
ethnics clashes between the Han majorities and Uigher minorities, protesters went on rampage. Chinese official media describes the protest in the same manner "looting, smashing, killing and burning", and then again Chinese government accused the exiled Uigher woman leader Rabeya Kadee for orchestrating and masterminding the protest in Uramqi. Official Chinese media failed to investigate the root cause of this resentment, which was not difficult to figure out. Instead protesters were labeled as "sparatists" with "outside influnce". As some analyts were quick to point out , the mas protest in Xingjaing were influenced by the Tibetan uprising in 2008. There is some truth in this. The Uigher minorities have for the first time in their history of struggle against the communist invasion, lauched a mass peaceful protest. In the past there were sporadic incidents of "violent attack", which the Chinese government claimed as an "act of terrorists". But a protest of this scale is unseen before nor such mass rally. The Uigher exile leader Rabeya Kadeer condemened voilence and urged protest to be peaceful. Thanks to the christmatic leadership of the Dalai Lama, Tibetan movement has remained nonviolent. Year 2008 was a Tibet year, when the brave people of Tibetan made their aspiration and hope explicitly known to the world. Year 2009, is a year for the Uigher. If protest is well planned and organized, leaving no room for violence, then the Uighers could make their case heard on the world stage. China is a rising super power, but at the snap of a finger the instability of Chinese society is exposed. The Chinese president Hu's call for a harmonious society sound very hollow. Giving the 60th anniversary of the founding of Communist China, there could be no better opportunities for the unhappy people to express their grievances. An opportunity too good to pass up... China is rising and the world is watching..
What lessons Tibetan learn from this historical moment:
Communist leaders have studied thoroughly the fall of soviet unions, and they would not repeat the mistake. Chinese leaders would not compromise on Xingjing, they would handle the protest in the same heavy handed manner, as they did to the Tibetans. But can brutal force conquer the spirit of human beings for ever? it might sound true that power comes from the barrel of a gun. But it is also true as Chairman Mao himself said, "whereever there is a suppression, there is a revolt".
In Today's post modern world, violence is condemned in any forms. Peaceful expression of universal rights were regarded as a essential fundamental rights of the people, which earn support from peace loving people of the free world.
The lessons Tibetans learn from the Xijiang protest is violence breed violence and it leads to a vicious circle. Han Chinese mobs were brandishing sticks and lethal objects roaming the streets of Uramqi, in retaliation of the killing and beaten by the Uighers. A section of Tibetan still have not given up violence as a means of regaining Tibetan Independence. But the Dalai Lama's vision and wisdom bars this raw emotion to surface from the Tibetan people in exile. As His Holiness put it taking up arms againts China is "suicidal". It can be not proved more starkling than the recents events of ethnic clashes in China and Xijing.
We should never abandon the path of peace, and mass protest is the way of highlighting Tibetan plights on international arena.