Monday, December 21, 2009


Getting away from the mundane of life and walking into the library is a refreshing and rejuvenating exercise. Incidently my eye fell upon a book titled "10-10-10", with 14 day loan and nor renewal labeled with red on it.  My curiosity pricked me. what book is it the that you can not renew after 14 days. It must be something good that everyone read, so library, doest allow everyone to keep longer than 2 weeks  to make it available and accessible when readers demand is soaring.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Gigantic Accumulations

As I awoke from my slumber, and strained my ears to the outside activities, the lives outside has stopped to screnching halt. The dawn has a sense of serenity to it, until I saw the piling up of snows and it is still falling. It is not like the usual day, when you could be hearing cars passing by and the loud yell of some bystanders or the morning walker. It is Saturday, and it is snowing day. it is a day that I had to reckon with numerous problems.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Adding legs to Snake

I was reading an interesting primary school tales of idioms in Chinese language.With the help of friends, I gained some comprehension of the story. These folklores or classic tales is narrated with the focus of introducing a new idioms in Chinese. What interested me most is the freshness of the wit and wisdom in the tales. These stories are short and to the point, with sharp focus on the origin of the idioms. As our culture and tradition are passed down  through the folktale and stories. I find it very intriguing how the common and idiomatic expressions have its root.  In the following, I would like to narrate the stories that I read in Chinese.

The Crucible

Watching the movie " The Crucible" by Arthur Miller and then having read the play makes me ponder on the question of personal integrity and dignity for a faithful Christian . The word crucible according to dictionary means "a severe test or trial of ones belief and patience". In a nutshell the play is about the paradox of the unquestional believe and trust  in God and for the very reason the adherents/ followers of christian beliefs  are doomed /or costed them a heavy price.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Is Tibetan issue foundamentally an issue of livelihood?

2008 was a turning point, a mile stone in Tibetan freedom movement. The massive uprising  was unsuccessful in bringing the desired changes in Tibet, and the Chinese government remained unperturbed. The Chinese government were quick to blame the unrest as  planned and orchestrated by the Dalai Lama and his exile governments. Bejing goverment also downplayed the massive  protest as as unrest by few Tibetans. The reality was,  it was one of the biggest ever protest, involving all Tibetan areas under China.
Despite of the magnitude of the event, why the Chinese government didnt barge an inch? Bejing government didnt  see it a big issue, because they could play one section of the Tibetan against another. They have Tibetan loyalists, who wag their tails to the Chinese bosses. The biggest shortcomings of the protest was when all Tibetans were not united in this protest.

Monday, November 30, 2009


So many good things have happened and so many people were involved either directly or indirectly in making things happen for me. I am thankful to my friends and dearones for their support and encouragment. I am thankful for the success and acheivement that comes on my way, despite of all the obstacles and challenges. Everything is so internected, and everybody is contributing in s different subtle ways  for the good things to happen. I am thankful to the ones who shared their sincere opinions on an issue of concern, so that widened my perspective and enable me to look at the issue from different angles. I am thankful to the ones who believed in me and who stood by me when the going is getting tough. I am thankful to my dearones who understands me and trust me without any question. And I am also thankful to those people who have also shown how the the world is imperfect.
The most important thing and a joy of life, which is truly immeasureable is our little Kunsal. Words can not express the true gratitude, and happiness parents experienced with the birth of their child. Kunsal is life's biggest and invalueabel gift for us.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Specialized education

In a recent address to Tibetan university students in Delhi, HH the Dalai Lama stressed on the importance of specialized education for young Tibetans. This is not his first mention and nor it will be his last. 50 years in exile, the Tibetan society has improved tremendously on literacy rate. Every year hundreds of Tibetan students go to colleges as they graduated high school and around the same number of students  completed their 3 year college degrees in India and come back to soceity to serve. But how many of them have successfully took up positions or  the challenge  to serve. It is not the mumber of graduates that counts, but the quality of their education and the skill that that they brings to put to use. That is why specialized education is the  buzz word.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Oba Mao

What ever I read, in the Newyork Times, Washington Post, and all other major international news gave me the impression that Obama's visit to China was a win-loss situation, as AP reported "produced no tangible wins for the United States".

Critics accused Obama for being "too soft" on China. While China managed to get what they asked, U.S did not get anything substantial in return. However, His Holiness the Dalai Lama does not think, Mr. Obama is too soft. "it was just a different approach or style in dealing with the Chinese leadership, H.H said during a TV interview in Delhi".

Tawang trip

His Holiness the Dalai Lama's visit to the disputed region of Tawang, once again reaffirmed India's control of the terriority. This is one of the most remarkable political statement that India has ever made with vision and boldness. By allowing the Dalai Lama to visit this disputed terriorty, India drives home three important points. First, The Dalai lama is a respected guest, and he is free to go anywhere in Indian terriority, Second,
India sends an imambiguous signal that Auronachal Pradesh is a part of India, and India would not barge under any circumstances.
Third, India signals that the Chininese government  can not dictate its terms on India.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Strength in diversity

Chinese government is fully comprehending the media influence in shaping people's perceptions, as Bejing multipled its media channels, airtime and  its out reach to the world. When Chinese government extended government run media to a global audience with the aim to dominanting world opinions, then a Chinese  high officials put it this way "which ever nation has the highest capacity of media, it controls the world". Bejing has given the same importance to Tibet area, with the launch of Khamba dialect TV satellite  in late oct this year. Tibetan in exile are also aware of the crucial roles media plays, and besides an important part of the democratic society.Dharamsala launched its first local TV channel, just a week ago, with the aim to set up a satellite channel to reach all Tibetan settlements in india, nepal and Bhutan.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


A big Chinese company fooled hundreds of poor  Tibetans, and the Chinese government stand by the cheater and hauled those pathetic tibetans out of the protesting vicinity in show of force. what could happen to these Tibetans now ? if they were Chinese, would it make a difference? Will they have a more positive ending to their plight? is it not right to say, the Chinese government is run by a group of thugs, who forceably removed these Tibetans from the site of the company. The Tibetans were not given the opportunity to voice their concern, the company did not heed to their complaints. here is the details;
law abiding citizen demanding restitution for the losses incurred as consequence of joining the TIENS corporation. It is unthinkable,that the government backs up the very company that foul played with these rustic villagers and illterates.  This is yet another example, of how Tibetans can never trust the Chinese.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


  Hundreds of Tibetans claiming they were cheated in a pyramid scheme run by a purported health-products company are demanding their money back and staging protests in several Chinese cities, spokesmen for the group say.

The group’s representatives, who want restitution from TIENS at its company headquarters in northeastern Tianjin municipality, said Tibetan investors were promised large returns on initial investments but have received nothing.

Those who brought in additional investors as instructed by the company also saw their friends and family cheated out of funds, they said.

For details read here...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Wake up call

The most meaningful way of showing our allegiances to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the hope he represents for the six million Tibetan is not  shedding crocodiles tears, but by serving Tibet cause in our own capacity.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Light of Truth Award

His Holiness the Dalai Lama bestowed the "The Light of Truth Award" to U.S humanitarian the late Julia Taff and a Chinese group who signed the open petition, " 12 points of Dealing with Tibetan situation". This was my only opportunity  to see HH while he is here for few days. Being on reporting duty, does not allow you the normal calmness and peace with which you can hear and be blessed by HH. However, I feel I did both.Not only, I have listend to HH speak and be graced with His Presence in hall. At the same time, I did not shun my responsibilities, so I had done all the necessary things for my report purpose.

ICT organized a fantastic award presenting ceremony. His Holiness on the stage was flanked by some very powerful and influntial people, including Nancy Pelosi, actor Richard Gere, former ambassador, former special coordinator for Tibet,  Paula Donbrinsky and Wangli xion.  Author Wang accepted the prize with dignity and defied.  In his acceptance speech, he paid tribute to the originator and composer of the petition Lixiong me, who is serving three year prision term in China and claimed that prize recognizes all the 308 brave people who at the stake of their own freedom, openly supported the petition.  Author Wangli alluded his own possible risk with the Chinese government. The hall packed audience, applauded HH the Dalai Lama's simple and straightforward message, his clarity of thoughts and the divine power of reaching out to all walks of life is just phenomenal. 

Nancy Pelosi says "We are so lucky that  we breath the same air as His Holiness the Dalai Lama".

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Geared up for HH visit

Tibetans in Washington metropolitan areas will have a field day with the presence of H.H the Dalai Lama in the nation's capital for 5 days  from Today. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is not only the spiritual guru for Tibetans,  he is the world's holiest man, the prince of peace. I had the fortune of several close audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama including three times  in the U.S. As Richard Gere says "HH empowers us in a powerful way."

Friday, October 2, 2009

The lousy sun

                                                                                                       The Lousy Sun

                                                                                                                      By Phuntsok Dhargyal
                                                                                                                      Oakton High School
                                                                                                                           Vienna , VA U.S

In Ancient time, people believe that the sun revolves around the earth, until Nicolaus Copernicus proved heliocentric by saying that the sun was the center of the universe and it is never moving. But before Copernicus they were lots of people, especially in a very small village in Tibet, who believes that the sun was rotating, because they all knew a story about it, a story that makes everybody in that particular village to believe it. In the following I would narrate the story.

Monday, September 28, 2009




平措达吉者  09/28/09

"Changing Heart.." ticket

It was a miracle, the very moment, I purchased five tickets for His Holiness the Dalai Lama's teaching in Washington D.C on Oct 10 for my families and relatives, then I logged in the web again out of curiosity, and then no more tickets are available. an SOLD OUT sign appears. It was in a matter of few seconds.  Our family and relatives, including my 7 month baby daughter are very lucky to get the very precious  tickets. We are have been waiting so patiently for this opportunity. It was my first time to buy her a ticket and I succeeded and it was an immense feeling of joy and satisfaction.  It is very rare to hear and be blessed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama with His full presence. Another wonderful thing about this is, it will be  my baby Kunsal's first glimpse of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Today, my computer at home lost internet connection, very unusually. So I run to the nearest public library and waited 15 minutes before it opens at 10:00am. I immediately logged into the library computer . As I got wind of from someone that though the public announcement for the ticket sell was at 12:00noon, the actual sell can even be earlier. Frantically, I browsed the website, and there came up a model of seat arrangement, where you can click seat availability in all prices. No matter, where I can click, it states "No seats available". So finally, at a obstruct views, I got the opportunity, and I immediately bought five tickets.  I feel like there are others trying to buy the tickets, so indeed it was a race against time or competition on the web. I feel I won it. Or Maybe something works in a strange way that those who are very sincere, loyal and passionate, do get to see His His the Dalai Lama. All those initial obstacles of getting the tickets, seemingly to be a test of our patience, and persistence.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Taiwan visit

The initial break of the news: Over a phone conversation with a long time friend who lives in Canada, I was asked what is my view/ take on the Dalai Lama's recent visit to Taiwan. This casual question caught me off the guard. My initial response shoot off in a  jumbled and ambiguous ways, parroting the media version of the visit with little critical thinking on the issue from my own. Realizing that my responses did not satisfy my buddy, I started to think more critically , and start to read every commentaries and articles on the Dalai Lama's visit to Taiwan more carefully and mindfully. I feared that my friend might not concur / or share my prospectives on the visit, and so I did not have the courage to ask his opinions.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Talk Tibet

In medieval age,tea shops have served an ideal locations for intellectual debate, where writers, playwright, poets and politician gather for tea, and then engage in heated discourse on various topics concerning the society.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Aba Ama

The news of Obama's senior advisor -led- delegation's unexpected visit to Dharamsala sends a mixed signal of support and suspicion to Tibetans and Tibetan supporters.

Monday, September 14, 2009


When there is a meeting,
there is a parting,
and when there is a parting,
there is a meeting.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

JN on Samdhong Rinpoche

In one of my early write up in this blog, I paid a glowing tribute to Jamyang Norbu la, as a fighter, as a political scientist. In this one I have to pick on him for his unruly imagination and unsubstantiated claims on Samdhong Rinpoche's inner thoughts.
This article attacks Samdhong Rimpoche's policy and underscores the reasons for his fiasco as a Kalon Tripa. While JN pretends to comments on exile Tibetan's democracy, he left no stone unturned to lash against Samdhong Rinpche. For example, while speculating on the rational of Samdhong Rimpoche's rejected resignation, he said cynically "An informed acquaintance of mine told me he suspected that Rimpoche’s resignation might actually have been a ploy to raise the amendment issue. Such a development would allow Rimpoche to launch the campaign for his third term (maybe fourth,fifth or sixth)while still in office, giving him a definite advantage over future competitors. To be fair, Rimpoche himself has publicly stated that he was against any amendment of the Exile Charter for this purpose". This acquaintance might not be any other than himself.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Omniscient

It is very shocking to learn that HH the Dalai Lama ones flew in January this year in the very same chopper that was crashed last week, killing the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh in India. What is more alarming is the helicopter that HH the Dalai Lama was travelling even developed a techinical problem enroute and but could land safely in the destination. If this report on phayul website is true,

it has the potential of the making the Tibetan people sleepless. It is true that the more you travel, especially fly in chartered small planes, the more risker it is for the passengers. His Holiness the Dalai lama globtrot tirelessly for the Tibetan people, and for the humanity. Tibetan people wish that his travel is more restrained, giving such flight safety issue.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

2011 nomination

A debate has been raging on, in exile Tibetan Diaspora on the topic of Kalon Tripa 2011 election. The forthcoming election of exile Tibetan government's helmsman will be the third time in the entire Tibetan history, with the majority mandate elected directly by the Tibetan people. And this political trial will test Tibetan exiles fledgling and fragile democracy.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Buddha of Campassion

He calls himself a simple monk,
yet he is no ordinary being,
he is an extraordinary living.

His words are full of wisdom
and his teachings transcends culture and boundary.
his actions speaks louder than his words.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

chit chat

He has a long hair, hair longer than a ponytail. Mr. Z returned from his overseas mission and he is interested to share his experience with the bunch of friend he has. He summoned his buddies for a drink. A guy friend who turned up at the pub also has a seamless well combed hair, that touches to his waist on the back. The two except in their height, all other physical features are identitical. Both has a long and yet rugged humane looking face. Both are well educated and behaves politely with a flashing smile. It is fitting to say the bird of fealther flock together.

Kham Zachuka

A 13 year old Tibetan kid, sang a song in praise of HH the Dalai Lama in front of a crowd on the stage,in the town of Jatsang Shang in Kham Zachugka in eastern Tibet. The kid was arrested,said by a source who has contact in Kham Zachugka.

Subsequently a Chinese flag at a local station was pulled down, that led to arrest of 7 Tibetan as suspects. The source said theses incidents occurred on August 28,2009.But could not confirm if the two incidents were related.

What need to know more about is :

I wish to know, if the kid is a boy or a girl, did she sing the song knowing what she /he was doing. Who are the audience, and under what circumstance it happened. What occassion it was. How many people gathered.

Was the kid immediately arrested and by whom?

when the Chinese flag was pulled down ? when exactly it happened. Did anyone put up a Tibetan flag in place?

What are the names of those seven arrested. Zachug Khag is the place from where 4 of its brave monks took part in the first march 10th protest in Lhasa last year.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Dirty Politics

Gyalo Dhondup on VOA talk show. His scathing attack on Tibetan noblemen, and his intacit lash out agaisnt Lodi Gyari.

Who is Gyalo?. I was first introduced to Gyalo Dhondup, at the age of 12 or 13, in a remote hamlet in the far east of Tibet. It was not a face to face encounter, but through a book. My relatives have shown me secretly the autobiography of HH the Dalai Lama "My Land and My People". Leafing through this scared book, which has worn out from handling of too many rough hands, I was shown the pictures of the Dalai Lama and his entourage, looks very imposing and majestic. Then my experienced relative pointed to one picture in the book, and says " That is Gyalo Dhondup". Oh who is that, I looked again, and then I was awed with his physical outlook and invisible courage, I felt that this person must possess.

The name Gyalo Dhondup sound very grand to me. As elder people heaped praise on the elder brother of Tenzin Gyaltso, I started to imagine what he looks like, and slowly I have developed such a great admiration and reverence for the guy. Little did I know about Gyalo Dhondup's role in negotiating with the Indian leaders and American. But for the fact he is the elder brother of our saviour, was enough for me to put him on my head. He has a sound reputation, as a brave and very able person. it was in early 1970s.

Coming into exile in 1990s,I was initially enrolled in Bir school. During one semester at the schoool. Our school was rocked with romour of some political scandale. Gyalo Dhondup was then the Chairman of Kashang. Students in the school have little and limited knowledge and analytical and critical thinking power, and they were easily swayed by outside elements. Some literate Tibetans spotted or read in the news that Gyalo Dhondup was fired from Kashing chairmanship, and students asked little questions why did it happen. They waited no time in mobolizing an army of students and rushed to Dharamsala and protested against this move to remove Gyalo Dhondup. I did not take part in that protest, mainly, I didnt understand what was going on. And even today, I dont know what caused his removal from Khashag, Was it because he made some comments that enraged the other cabinet members? His give and take policy with China is much talked about at the time.

Even though, Gyalo Dhondup has a ability of language to communicate with the Chinese leaders, and the trust of the exile Tibetan government, on top of that being the elder brother the Dalai Lama, yet his dealing and engagment with the Chinese leadership has not been effective and fruitful. He is known to compliment the Chinese leader's hospitality and his amuzement in China during such critical official visit. But he has not brokered anything concrete that has been a breakthrough.

He has been a figure, who has the capability but that capability has not fully funneled for the Tibetan national interest. He is even today, a towering figure. But what he says all , can not be taken seriously.

Recently on VOA Kuling Show, Gyalo Dhondup was asked about his childhood experiece, the recognition of HH the Dalai Lama. The interview was conducted in early May this year, but aired to public three months after. Gyalo Dhondup la's sound were clear, and he seemed to be alert and very alive. Despite of his age, his thinking and memory has not grown that older. he has a photographic memory, otherwise how he could remember all those early childhood experience.

But interestly, near to the end of the show, he started to comment on Sino Tibetan negotiation. He made some scathing attack on the noble men of old Tibet, who were responsible for not allowing land reform. And on Chinese Tibetan negotiation, he was critical of the present exile government and the envoy Lodi Gyari. Gyalo Dhondup appeared to be saying that he has paved the way for the visit of HH the Dalai Lama to Tibet or China, but the exile Tibetan government and the envoys, did not follow up with that instead they turned to some other settlement or discussion, that has raised eyebrow of the Chinese leaders.

if Gyalo Dhondup's allegations were correct, then it was a huge political mistake by the exile government. But it is doubtful, so is the crediability of Gyalo Dhondup's statements. It is fine to make constructive criticism on the governments and its leaders. But Gyalo Dhondup la ones was in the same position to make or break the Tibet issues, and he failed to deliver anything promising at that time.

Now the 2011 Kalon Tripa election is a hot topic in exile community. Gyalo Dhondup's impression of Lodi Gyari as a underachiever or non performer sort of project can be very damaging if the later is to run for the 2011 election. Politics is dirty, and it is every one 's responsibilities to sift if any evidence of Gyalo Dhondup la's accussation are genuine. His statement can not be ruled as not a politically motivated charge.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ridding of Belly Flab

I am blogging at the X-sport fitness centre's Internet cafe. When I initially joined the Centre, I thought it is kind of expensive. Now I realize the expense is worthwhile. The Gym is open 24/7 and it provides some excellent amenities. Besides all the clean art of the state fitness equipments, members gets personal trainer for the first few weeks.

Any lousy person can get something to work out based on her or his physical need. I enjoyed the lifting, boxing,running and to wind up the workout with a dip in the swimming pool. When the basket ball court is available, I enjoy to give few shoots and demonstrate my own dribbling and other few gimmick. There are times I feel my stamina has lost somewhat, but then I push myself a little more and that is all required to keep me going on. There are classes for cycling, dancing, yoga etc. It is extremely encouraging to workout in such a pristine environment.

I remember a cliche from my school teacher, who used to say "if money is lost, nothing is lost, health lost is something lost, and character is lost, everything is lost". But i would counter this adage and would say, that if health is lost, then everything is lost. Without the physical health, there is nothing to bear the character.

Americans care much about physical wellbeing, and women are obessed with their physical appearance. As movie stars and all the celebities are very toned down in their outlook, which has an impact on the socity and the poeple that live in it. To be called as hot, ladies have to be skinny and blonde. My observation is that the fitness centre is a thriving business in America, because the demand to look muscular or women and skinny for woman is high, which shows people care for physical wellbeing. This is one of the healthy trend that I see here in America.

When I was in TCV upper school, I used to jog in the morning. I encounter few Tibetan people on the way to Dal lake , including TCV education Director, who also run for miles everyday.From my own experience, physical exercise is extremely good for our brain. Besides stimulating our blood circulation, it is very relaxing, and rejunating. After a good workout each time, I feel ready to work using my brain.
My latest physical check up revealed that I am normal and have no problem with anything. The doctor asked me what I used to do, and when I said "exercise", and then he said, dont give it up. "Do what you used to do". I think that is a very sound advise.

Good physical workout can prolong your life and give you the extra energy for the day.

Whatever money you spend for your gym membership is a good investment. The return is measureable in terms of your physical wellness and mental health:a more happier person with more confident.With good physical health, it reduces your doctor's visit, which in turn saves you money. Person with no regular exercise, overweight and over 50s, is likely to face high blood pressure and other problem. Which can be very costly. So you calculate it, being healthy leaves you richer, whereas constant health or chronic health problem is not only give you strain on your pocket,it even can cost you your life.

In conclusion, exercise boost your confidence, keeps you fit , and makes you happier. No exercise, a number of other health problem can arise, which can be very costly for you emotionally and financially. So there is no reason a person with right mind shun physcal exercise for any other vocations.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Read to Rear

When my wife was carrying our lovely Tenzin Kunsal in her womb, we visited the doctor frequently. As a new parent, we invested lots of energy and time in understaning what is best for our unborn to be born into a healthy child.

Of all the dos and donst, one thing that Obg doctor and later on the pediatrician says amazes me. They say , read to the small living inside its mother's womb.

because the doctor says it helps the child to develop her brain. If you wants your kids smart, then read to her, so is what the doctor says. My wife dutifully insists me to read and sing song to Kunsal over her protroduing belly. Occassionaly the tricklish movement could be felt under neath my wife's skin. I did read and try to believe that she hears my reading. But my common sense, tells me baby in the womb,can not hear and any outside activities wouldnt make any difference.

What would make a difference is the mother's life stlye, her wellness, and her food intake. Only when the child walked out into this beautiful planet, then probably reading, playing and joking to her works in mysterious ways. I wanted the bond with my child, and that is what i attempted holding her over my bear chest, and make it a comforting bed for her nap. Today, five months later, I could feel the bond was strong. Despite of the physical distance, she remains a constant source of my hope and inspiration and love.
I dont know about reading to the unborn, which I find pretty hilarious. When someone see my doing that, they may constitute it a sign of queer and something unusual. But reading to Kunsal, now seems to be important and must for us. Thankfully, the public library is such treasure for this activity.

Reading facilities in American: American people have great opportunities for studies, just look at the public library. It says all. People interested in study, have access to all public library and borrow books and all other learning materials. It is such a convenience and unknown to many Asian people. In all these treasure houses, I see mountains of magazine and bulk of books at your disposal. I remember way back in Bir school, where the school library is very small and the lending system is so poor, that afterwhile, library lost most of its books. A raid in students domitories discovered, piles of library books stashed away in the bottom of mental box. What an idoit and unmature act of stupididty by all those irresponsible students.

My experience and observation in the library: America is a country ruled by rules of law. In America, every people follow system and everyone is very well scrutinized. No one escape from the grip of a system.So people have to think twice before doing any thing immoral and unethical. Ones a library books are borrowed, its borrowers' responsibilities to take care of the books. Late return are fined. And there is no way to escape or steal a book. It is well protected through a secure network of system.

At this Oakton libary it was a such delightful sights to observe. All these innocent little angels and prince having their time. A mother sat in a comfortable armchair, two of her kids, a boy and a girl, climbed over the chair and hanging to the Mom, one to each side. The gracious mother was so attentive in her reading. She was holding a child's book, which appears to contain many pictures and drawings. As the two clowns look on, the mother picked up her reading. She read in a medium volume, awaring not to disturb the others in the libary, while also awaring that her two armies hear her reading .

The kids have a limited span of attention. Their concentration on the reading was frequently, disrupted by other movements and thinkis crop . They become restless and momentorily dash out to here and there. The mother was transfixed on the book., unaffected by her kids' playfulness. The act of consistency works. For the kids return to the Mom after a break , then they continue to listen to Mom and even pointing fingures at characters in the book. They were immersed in the readings. That is what you could see at least.

The mother is not commanding, she is very obedient to her two bosses. Maybe this is a good example of taking care of the kids and doing good to them. While allowing them freedom, and let their imagination and creativities put to work, the mother facilities their understanding. After a good portion of time, and reading, then the mother and kids walked out of the library, very pleased and with a sense of satisfaction.

Brings kids to the library is one of the best pasttime a parent can have along with their loved ones. and I was told by a colleague, who is a parent of three kids, that kids need to constantly involved in activities and outdoor activities. Without any events, and they leave them at home, they spend the whole day watching the TV. I certainly wouldnt let my kids to spend their time this way. I would creative conducive atmosphere for reading and learning for them.Reading to rear a child is a the best and most profound way.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Idiot Box

Sitting around a small born-fire,the children coaxed elderly family members to narrate a story or fairy tale for the night.It is their only means of entertainment. Then the elderly would clear her throat and began to tell a story. The children listened with rapturous attention and their imagination worked out the details of the scene, plot and characters in the story. This is how a tradition and culture and its valued are transmitted orally through generations. This is the age, where the rustic farmers are out of touch with the idiot box.

The 21century ushered us in age of information bombardment. Television set in every American family has become a necessity and not a need any more. With hundreds of satellite channels, TV provides much amusements and entertainment. But children need to be properly guided in their habit of watching TV .The uncontrolled habit of gluing to the TV for hours and hours will have negative impact on children's development. Whenever I call my cousin in another country, he often complained of his children watching TV and not doing their homework, leaving along for any other fun activities such as reading and out door sport.

His case is representative of what so many other families in America,going through similar problem. Excessive TV watching has not only proved to be a waste of time, this habit of couch potato led to obesity and other health risk, which could be easily avoided by doing more physical activities.

A limited and little bit entertainment by watching ones a while favourite news or show is very deserving and healthy for all. But today's entertainment industry bombarded us with all kinds of informations and entertainment, which we surely dont have a time for. Even for news, there is a constant advertisement we can not escape. The news and entertainment industry are aimed for making profit. So whatever is sexy, scandolous gets more coverage and reports. Audience needs to be more selective in what they watch. It is adviseable to spend less time for that.

There are more healthy stuff that kids and adult can engage in. Out door activities provide an excellent way to keep ourselves heal and hearty. With proper protection from summer, biking, running, playing sports, swimming and hiking were such a invigorating exercise, which are so essential for us physically and mentally. My visit to the public library convinces me that kids can have such a fun environment for reading, and studying in a comfortable environment. There are summer kids reading programs . Which are so well thought out. So parents, adults and kids alike spend less of their time in front the idiot box, it is more enjoyable to go out and savour the beauty of nature and breath a fresh clean air.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

face to face with Chinese !!!

"Sooner or later the Chinese will need the Tibetans to rescue their spirits. It is happening right now. See, my grandmother was a Buddhist, my mom is a communist, and I am a Buddhist again. The Chinese and the Tibetans will get along, when the Chinese reached the similar spiritual level as the Tibetans", this is what I was told when I personally made an effort to engage and befriend with a Chinese intellectual. But what popped up in my mind immediately is, if the Chinese need Tibetan to rescue their spirit, then Tibetan surely needs Chinese help to secure their freedom.
After all, this seemly spiritual vacuum for a materialist developed China may be the beginning of an end of a Chinese Tibetan conflict. But I cant help my mind from diverting to the old adage that ‘The down fall of Tibetan is hope and the downfall of Chinese is suspicion". One can only hope that the Chinese interest in Tibetan Buddhism is not an infatuation but endurable, and this spiritual guru and student relationship will expand and last to enable a solution to the Tibet issue.
A much acclaimed August 6-8Th Chinese Tibetan conference "Finding a Common Ground" was held in Geneva. Over hundred of Chinese democracy activists , writers and intellectual, including participants from main land China , met with Tibetan exile leaders in the neutral city of Gevena, in Switzerland. His Holiness the Dalai Lama spoke in his inauguration address that he would expect no miracle but hope the conference would strengthen Chinese Tibetan relationship. Exile Tibetan Prime Minister briefed the participants on exile government's approach and policy. He fielded questions from the Chinese intellectuals very impressively which earned him the name of “a man of wisdom” from conference attendees.
At the 3 day conference delegates took turn in addressing the Tibet issues and ways of resolving it. The meeting culminated with a four part common points of agreement .
This declaration summed up the gist of the three day deliberation and also recommendations to exile Tibetan government for future action plan to further strength Tibetan Chinese ties.

Apparently Chinese government was unhappy on this high profile Sino Tibetan conference. Bejing labeled the conference as a plot to over throw the Communist party and even commented that the merge of Chinese democracy activists and Tibetan exiles solidified the strength of their movement. But August 5th article in Xinhua under the name of Yedor, attacked the conference:
" the "marriage" between the Dalai Group and "pro-democracy activists", based on political and economic interests, is obviously a self-deceiving scheme" The article goes on to say:
" their intention was to overthrow the leadership of the communist party of china and to split the People's Republic of China. Such tactics were doomed to failure, "
The conference was very transparent in its agenda. The whole three days was open to international media for scrutiny and even the Chinese official news agency were invited to observe and report on the conference. If this summit of the two people were posing any kind of threat, then Bejing coulld surely sensed it.

`No matter what the Chinese government harangue about this unique meeting of the two people. For exile Tibetan it was a step in the right direction.
It appears that the Dalai lama's address inspired the conference participants to strengthen the Chinese Tibetan people's relationship, and Samdup Rinpoche's encounter and interaction with the Chinese attendees paved the way for clean slate of discussions. It is encouraging that the participants were so interested in Samdup Rinpoche's address, which showed that the Chinese people's long for a democratically elected leader.

This conference was organized by International Reconciliation fellowship and Swiss Tibetan friend is indeed a smart move. There is no doubt that Tibetan peoples’ struggle need Chinese people's support. For example when India was struggling for independence, their British friends' help proved to be invaluable. During Chinese invasion of Tibet, a people's liberation solider surrendered to Tibetan army and fought against the Chinese and he was fondly remembered among Tibetan as Gyal Lobsang Tashi. It is realistic to think that a time will come for Chinese and Tibetan people to stand up hand in hand and together fighting for their basic human rights and democracy.

It is little too early to predicate any major breakthrough from this conference. But such a conference is in the right direction, in dispelling misunderstandings and forging stronger community relationships. So the Chinese government will not be in such position to influence their citizens unreasonably if Bejing Olympics and 3/14 revisited.

It is with such an extraordinary courage and will of the HH the Dalai Lama, an considerable number of Chinese people opened up their mind and at least listen to the Tibetan people's grievances. Lately it has been a usual practices of HH the Dalai Lama at all his foreign tour to meet with Chinese students, citizens and activists. HH Dalai Lama unlocked any barrier for a face to face dialogue with interested Chinese. Even at times, when Chinese students from mainland China were unable to shun the Communist government brainwash and propaganda, refused to listen to HH the Dalai Lama. Such hostile encounter convinced the Dalai Lama more strongly to reach out to the Chinese people by opening the door for people’s dialogue. There are instances of Chinese citizen after meeting with the Dalai lama abroad, upon return to China, was expelled from their institution.

Dalai Lama’s initiative. When HH declared after the failed dialogue, his hope for the Chinese present leadership is getting thinner and thinner; his hope for the Chinese people still remains strong. He acted upon his words and therefore garnered all these tremendous effort to reach out the Chinese people, and i believe it has been reciprocated. On His Holiness the Dalai lama's latest birthday, a host of Chinese people attended the function in Dharamsala for the first time in a formal official ceremony.Yangjang chi, in his address at the conference, confessed that that he did not realize the power of religion, while in China, and now he does, alluding to the Dalai lama's worldwide influence.

Obstacle on the relationship:
some conference attendees mentioned that
the challanges of Tibet issue laid in the intricate network of organs in government, army and buaurcracy. If the Tibet issue is resolved then half million job will go up in smoke. If that is true, then it is a serious issue, as leave along the Chinese's vested interest. Even for Tibetan when something comes in their way for success and ascent to higher ladder, would act the same way. I doubt how many Tibetans were out there who would give up personal interest for national interest.

They would not flinch. However this vested personal is not new,
The veteran communist cadre Bapa Phuntsok Wangyal, has written long time ago to Communist leader Hu Jintao, calling those who thrives under the garb of anti-separatist sentiment as vultures .
Yanja Qinqin's address to the conference:
Acknowledgement of the Dalai lama as the sole legitimate representative of the Tibetans in and out. The Dalai Lama's return to home, to be first solved, before touching on the Tibet issue, Chinese democracy goes hand in hand with the Tibet issue. And the Chinese government was wrong in saying that the Tibet has been a insparable parts of China, for centuries. I think the Chinese participants have shown much maganaminty and heart in agreeing to things, the Chinese government would find incoceiveable.

The Chinese people’s good will and support for Tibet issues is not viewed positively by all as a sign of true support. Even though it was an isolated incident, recently few Tibetan writers protested Wangli xion, who is regarded as a staunch Tibetan support.
Potential outcome of the conference. It needs be clear and thate the Conference, participants of Chinese intellectuals, all of them attended at their own individual capacity. Except Tibetan exiles participants were more representative of the exile government and organizations. But the Chinese attendees are more individual intellectuals and bigwigs. Whose influence could only been felt, through their writing.
Most of the Chinese participants and activists has significant influence among the Chinese people. Most of the attendees would continue to write and explain the Tibetan issues to a larger Chinese audience. A famous Chinese surgeon turned writer, who said that he could only cure the physical well being of a person, as a surgeon, as a writer he could cure the mental well being a person. So the present Chinese intellectual and scholar and writers present at the meetings have the might of their pen to influence Chinese peoples' thoughts and correct their world view and cure the mental illness inflicted by the Chinese government propaganda.
As for exile Tibetan government, it should take seriously the recommendation of the meeting and try to further the steps toward more united approach.
It is an irony, that in such a time of extreme crisis in Tibetan history, the Chinese needs the Tibetan to rescue their spirit. If that is indeed the case, then first the Chinese may help the Tibetan to help them. If the Chinese indeed realize the need for this spiritual salvation from the Tibetan spiritual guru as something enlightening and set aside their Han Chavenist attitude on Tibetan as a barbaric and backward, then maybe it is the time the tide is turning around and no sooner the two people will be one or am I too naïve to think in this line?.

Friday, August 7, 2009

citizen or non citizen

Two young female journalists in shabby dress walked out of the chartered private jet, that former President Bill Clinton and his entourage flew to North Korea to secure their release. Both of them broke down in tears of joy, as a crowd of journalists and camera men showing live picture of their arrival in Sanfransco airport. The young female walked out into freedom and to the embrace of their loved ones. It is very moving to see the reunion of the families after a fearful and long ordeal in a hostile land.

After the two stars walked out of the plane, then audience worldwide see the exit of former president Bill Clinton and his delegates, who met with Northern Korea dictator King for hours. What was exchanged during the meetings were unknown to public.

It was an amazing moment, that recounts the American spirit of resilience and spirit .http://
Two of its citizens were detained and sentenced into 14 years of hard labour, just because they crossed the border illegally while on their journalistic duties. A high powered delegates at the behest of their government went in a private jet to secure their release and bring them home.

It is said that this dramatic release was due to months of intense negotiation involving Obama administration and the reclusive regime of Northern Korean. There is no doubt that an entire nation has thrown its weight for the freedom of its two citizens. This is a honour being the citizen of a great country and it is the greatness of the this nation /America that its citizen can count on times of crisis.

On the flip side of it, the dramatic release of two U.S citizen journalists from North Korea has a different meaning to stateless Tibetan. It drives home the point when you are a stateless refugee, you have no protection and you are a easy prey and vulnerable to the oppressor. leaving along that you have a private jet and a power delegates to come secure you, you are even denied a legal representation, and medical care and shut out from the reach of your family.
There is no much difference between what happened to a Tibetan filmmaker, Dhondup Wangchen and to these highly publicized American journalists. As a matter of fact, Dhondup has do nothing criminal and illegal, he was exercising the freedom of expression and working on film, when he was arrested. China charged Dhondup for "endangering state security" by allowing to express Tibetan peoples true feeling towards the Dalai Lama and Bejing Olympic on a video camera.

How fortunate it would be if Dhondup was born into American citizen, well protected, dignified and very worthy. How unfortunate that he was born into a Tibetan, stateless, protection less and worthless.

Thankfully, the conscientious people around the world, took up Dhondup's case and urged China to release him. There was out pouring of sympathy and support for his release through candle light vigil and demonstrations world wide. But China recognize strength and does not heed to sympathy and show no pity. So the fate of Dhondup Wangchen will not co relate to the fate of two American journalists, who are free and honoured.

This shame and pity of being a stateless Tibetan, might be very convincing for Tibetans to realize the importance of belonging to a sovereign state, and only Rangzen/independence, can give Tibetan the much deserved dignity as a worthy human beings. How can we change this imbalance and injustice in our life time?

Monday, August 3, 2009

Eye Twitching

For several days now, my left eye started twitching in unusual regularity. It occurs mainly when I am in front of my laptop, either reading or writing. In a great sense of curiosity, I rushed to the rest room to have a close look at its movement in the mirror. Then it stopped. I waited for a while hoping that twitching will reccur but in vain. But then back to my table and I start to feed into the keyboard, and glued to the system screen, then the seismic shift under my eyes are again felt . It is playing a kind of cats and mouse game with me.

If I say this strange phenomena to someone in Tibet, maybe there is an explanation or telling either negative or positive omen associated with superstitious belief. As I am typing these words, the twitching again appeared, as if it is aware of my consciousness. I remember, elder people or illiterate villagers in the far remote corners of Tibet, would say without hesitation that when I felt my palm etching, then it is an omen that someone is going to give me a gift. And when my feet heel is trickling it is a sign that I would soon make a trip. I still remember that when your eyes, twitching, then the person you tell this would make a guess of which eyes, and if she/he makes a correct guess, then an explanation or some ominous predication follows, I dont remember what it was exactly. Now I am far away from my native place, and I have no one close by to consult what this eye twitching might be about.

As for me, I have shed off many of my superstitious belief that passed down to me during my early childhood. For example, when my current eyes are twitching, it might not be anything else, other than the positioning of my body and the direction and focus of my eyes, while I sit and type on the key boards. Or It has to something to do with the muscles movement. I wont believe that this is an buzz of anything on its way.

Similarly, when an accident took place, I don't buy it was triggered or caused by some unseen demons or spirit, rather it must have been the result of carelessness of the parties concerned. So scientific inquiry, by seeking truth and using rationality should have the upper hand in any interpretation of such strange and unusual phenomena. This leads me into another topic that has some relevance to my subject discussion, e.g fate. Many people do not fully comprehend, what is fate. As result, our whole attitude toward this fate changes. We become too submissive, we take every unfortunate things as fate, and which is inevitable. My understanding of fate is different.
We should not submit ourselves to fate, as what I understand from HH the Dalai lama's explanation of fate is that it is reversible. As when we change the course of a cause, so will be the impact of the effect. Like wise, fate is not something written and predetermined. The direction of fate can be changed. The bottom line is, let not fate control us, let us control the fate.

Yes, I must confess here, that there some certain phenomena, which has no scientific explanations. So I do believe in miracle, which is beyond our imagination and intelligence to comprehend. My eye witching is only some thing unusual for me. I try to understand its causes and in the process, it takes me back to my homeland and the people I have left behind.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Science and Spirituality

In one of my early blogging, I wrote HH the Dalai Lama is an amateur scientist. After reading his book "The Universe in a Single Atom" convinced me, that he is hardcore scientist, with great scientific insights and interest. The book is a perfect reading for Buddhist and science students. It is a result of his long term interaction with scientists and psychologists mainly at the Mind and Life conference in Dharamasala . The book is a breakthrough to converge Buddhist philosophy and modern science. HH the Dalai Lama's indepth studies of Tibetan philosophy and Buddhism pyschology put him in a vintage point to critically analysis the mystery of modern science. With painstaking research and discourse with some of the world's top minds in science, His Holiness lead the way for a feassible collaboration of eastern philosophy and western science with the ultimate aim of serving the humanity effectively.

This book is a testament of HH the Dalai Lama's quest for scientific knowledge and his desire to find a common ground to understand human minds wholistically. This was clearly put forth In the last page of this well researched science book, " Today, in the first decade of the twenty-first century, science and spirituality have the potential to be closer than ever, to embark upon a collaborative endeavour that has far-reaching potential to help humanity meet the challenges before us.."
Bringing science and spirituality on the same table as how to best serve the humanity is a remarkable feat of HH the Dalai Lama. I am in no position to judge the immense good deeds of His Holiness to the entire human kind, but I came across an interesting article by Sogyal Rinpoche on the contribution of HH to the world ,appeared in Phayul website http://http//

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

People to people dialogue

An interesting conference of Tibetan and Chinese aimed for reconcialtion is under way in Switzerland. His Holiness The Dalai Lama will address the sino Tibetan people's conference as a keynote speaker and exile Tibetan government Prime Minister Samdhong Rinpoche would make his presence. The exile government and Chinese government's dialogue has ended in a deadlock. But the people to people dialogue has revived, mainly owing to the farsighted vision of HH. Over 100 Tibetan and Chinese scholars, and journalists and writers would meet in Switzerland at a conference aimed to bridging the gap of misunderstanding between the Chinese and Tibetan as a result of last year's Tibetan uprising.

Background: I dont recall, when the Tibetan and Chinese people's dialogue formerly started. But after the failed dialogue between the exile government's or the Dalai Lama's envoys and the concerned officials of United Front of PRC, exile government show a keen interest in reaching out to the Chinese people. Noticeablly, the appointment of Chinese speaking Tibetan officials to higher position including in His Holiness's Private office. Apa Tsegyam, is now the Dalai lama's private Secterary, and entrusted with a big responsibiliy of acting an effective liaison between the Tibetan and Chinese people. He is seen as at all the meetings of HH the Dalai lama with Chinese citizens. Another, impressive young good communicator, Kunga (not the Khampa singer in Tibet)who has an excellent command over Chinese is appointed to the Secterary position at office of Tibet, in Newyork and he is one of the coordinators of the upcoming Tibetan Chinese people's dialogue in Switzerland. Exile groups, media outlets, and exile government website have started to publish in Chinese language with the aim of reaching out to the worm eaters.

Agenda: For any meeting or conference, to be successful, a clear agenda is a must. Looking by the press release of the 'people's conference', the agenda is pretty clear and well set. Which is to discuss the main causes of last year's Tibetan uprisings. To clarify by Tibetan side that the issue of Tibet is not an ethinic issue, and that the Tibetan as an oppressed people hold no grudge against the Chinese people as such. last year's uprising was a show of deep resenment of Tibetan people against the wrongheaded policy of the Communist government for decades in China. So in a nutshell, the conference is aimed to bring understandings among Chinese and Tibetan people on the foundamental issues of Tibetan people's struggle. The conference attracts some prominent Chinese intellectuals and former government officials, even though the full list of the attendees, about 70% have not been released. Interestely, the conference is organized by an well known international reconcialation agencey in Switzerland.

It is little too early to predicate any major breakthrough from this conference. But such a conference is in the right direction, in dispelling misunderstandings and forging a stonger community relationships. So the Chinese government will not be in such position to influnce their citizens unreasonablly in times of crisis.
Dalai lama's effort to reach out to the Chinese people: it is with such an extraordinary courage andwill of the HH the Dalai Lama, an considerable number of Chinese people openned up their mind and at least listen to the Tibetan people's grivances. Lately it has been a usual practice of HH the Dalai lama at all his foreign tour to meet with Chinese students, citizens and activists. HH Dalai Lama unlocked any barrier for a face to face dialogue with interested Chinese. Even at times, when Chinese students from mainland China unable to shun the Communist government brainwash and propaganda, refuse to listen to HH the Dalai Lama, still door for people to people dialogue remains widely open. There are instances of Chinese citizen after meeting with the Dalai lama abroad, upon return to China, was expelled from their institution for no apparant reason.

His Holiness bear no grudge against these few hostile Chinese students, rather it convinced him more strongly to reach out to the Chinese people. On His Holiness the Dalai lama's latest birthday, a host of Chinese people attended the function in Dharamsala for the first time in a formal official ceremony. When HH declared after the failed dialogue, his hope for the Chinese present leadership is getting thinner and thinner, his hope for the Chinese people still remains strong. He acted upon his words and therefore garnered all these tremendous effort to reach out the Chinese people, and i believe it has been reciprocated.

Any possible breakthrough at this conference: Despite of the Dalai lama's distinction of Chinese government and the Chinese people as two separate inentities. Tibetan intellectuals, as well as among common people, they view the Chinese people and the government one and same thing. They believe both the people and the government do not wish Tibet to be free or independent. The later is true, that i dont know any current Chinese citizens or intellectual who advocated Tibetan independence. There are some Chinese intellectual who have been supportive of Tibetan people's rights, and even openly support the Dalai lama's middle way approach to solve Tibet issue. Wangli xion is one such staucnh supporter of Tibetan peeple's right to self determination or genuine autonomy. However, on his recent trip to Dharamsala, he was openly confronted by few Tibetan writers, accusing him as a Chinese government spy among other allegations. Another editor of well know Tibetan newspaper, openly stated the Tibetan issue is also ,issue of ethinicity. He sharply differs his views from the exile goverment standing,that it is too naive to think the Chinese people and Chinese government as two separate entities with complete different stand on Tibet issue. But it should not be forgotten, that even some Chinese overseas activists has put forth informally that His Holiness the Dalai lama should be the leader of Chinese democracy movement. If this is a true reflection of Chinese activists aspiration, then it should be percieved as a good compliment and recogniton of His Holiness Dalai lama's immense power and influence even among the Chinese citizens.

Declaration: I am too curious, if the people to people conference will be open to media? will be there a open declaration after the two days meeting, which will be addressed by the Dalai lama at the inauguration. How much the Chinese governemnt would react to this conference. Can any of these attendees' will be prosecuted in China, if they return to China? I think the final outcome of the conference should be measured in terms of the extend of its influence on Chinese ordinary people and its media blizt.

How much hope we can place on this goodwill of the Chinese people for Tibet's future solution?.

As for me, my dialogue and reach out to a particular Chinese intellectual has not been successful,because of some foundamental differences in our view and perspective on Tibet issue. My dialogue or consultation with this Chinese lady, started out in the following email exchanges shortly after her talk on Tibetan exile dispora in Washington......, (I withheld her name, because it was a private conversation between her and me). The email starts out with the latest in the first..

She wrote to me in her last email:
"Don't give up us just yet. We used to be a Buddhist country too. Unfortunately the Chinese went astray in the 20th century. I have been saying this for quite long time now: sooner or later the Chinese will need the Tibetans to rescue their spirits. It is happening right now. See, my grandmother was a Buddhist, my mom is a communist, and I am a Buddhist again. :) The Chinese and the Tibetans will get along when the Chinese reached the similar spiritual level as the Tibetans. When I have audience with His Holiness next month, I will humbly ask him to give Dharma talks for the Chinese believers".

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 6:07 PM, Dorjee Damdul wrote:
Hi Jiang: Is it true that the Chinese people believe the more animal is tortured; the better will be the taste. In my personal opinion, the Chinese people and Tibetan can not get along because of their differences.

But I thank you for your insights on animal abuses. I think that is a good approach to address the issue,
Leading by examples.

From: Han Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 11:08 PMTo: Dorjee DamdulSubject: Re: hello

Hi Dorjee,Thanks for coming to the talk. I know I am not that popular when I insist that the Tibetan problem is part of the general Chinese problems. However, I also argue with other Chinese scholars that, having said this, it doesn't mean that personal/national feelings of pain and humiliation can be canceled, just as the Chinese cannot be pacified by telling them the Nanjing Massacre was part of the WWII atrocities. Last year I didn't get a chance to discuss with students in Suja, but I am going to Suja again with a few more Chinese scholars this year. Requested by me, visiting Bir is going to be part of the programs this time. Even though I may not be able to accompany them as I need to interview a few old people regarding Chushi Gangdruk, but I definitely will encourage them to discuss this with the students there. My own impression so far is that young people left Tibet for various reasons, but the statistics point to two major issues: education and religion. I published an article about this last year.Animal abuse has become one of the issues in China in the recent years, and has caused backlash from European and Ameican animal rights organizations. Last year's Olympic torch relay, one of the issues China was being criticized was animal abuse, but few people paid attention to this issue, everybody was looking at the Tibetan flag. Definitely there is a cultural clash here. You know that China has been through nearly one century of violence, a few generations, including mine, were brought up without the concept of universal love and sympathy. It will take time for the Chinese to learn these basic human quality, younger generation (the 90s generation) is much better.I totally understand that Tibetans have quite different attitude toward animals, but if I may suggest, maybe you can think a different way of expressing the concern. Instead of condemning or slashing, you might want to think about a different angle, one of my favorate PR techniques is "expressing negative opinions in a positive way", instead of saying "you are wrong to treat animals like this", say something like "this is how we Tibetans treat animals, this is how other countries treat animals". But, frankly, I don't think the issue of animal abuse right now will cause much attention inside China. Sigh. ..

On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 9:34 AM, wrote:
Hello : It was nice meeting you at ICT last Thursday. And as I said it was very interesting to hear your observation of the Tibetan exile dispora. It was an effective recap of memories for the Tibetan audience of their journey in exile and a good education for the western audience. It is rare that a mainland Chinese pay that much close attention to Tibet issue, for that I congratulate you for your boldness in seeking the truth from fact, and by bridging the communication gap between Tibetan and Chinese.

What you are trying to do is not necessarily a token of support for Tibet issue, I see your attempt as way to understand the exile dispora and reasons for why Tibetans are more “out” than “in” as you said. Have you ever asked students at Suja school, where you said 90% of them escaped from Tibet, what are the reasons for their escape?

By the way, I am interested to hear your perspective on the one current issue in Tibet on which I am making a story for air show. Tibetan people in Tibet complain that Chinese buy lots of Tibetan livestock including Yak and took them to China for slaughter, and beside the process of transporting the yak is “gruesome”. For Tibetan it is a against their culture and Buddhist belief of being kindness to all animals. Do you think this is a legitimate concern expressed by the Tibetan?

If you can respond to this question, it will appreciate, otherwise you can call me...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A True Champion

When I was 17, I sling over a gun and run hither and thither along with my companions at the Tibetan Armed Resistance in Mustang. Said Jamyang Norbu (JN) at a talk in Toroton In Canada, which I looked up in Youtube. JN is one of Tibetan exile's most vocal advocate for Rangzen and no doubt a great political commentator, I had the fortunate to speak with him on Tibet issues.

By his look, he probably well past over his middle age. Based on my knowledge of Tibetan people's struggle, JN's contribution for the sustainability of the Tibetan people's movement, political awareness has been immeasurable giving the effort of Tibetan individual.

The more I read and listen to his thoughts and ideas on Tibet politics and, the more I respect him as great Tibetan. When listening to his speech at a Toroton in Canada, right before the Olympics in China, JN called for Tibetans to rise up and do whatever an individual is capable of doing for the Tibetan cause. He has a great vision and he is passionate and realistic in his goal for Tibetan independence. At the meeting JN outlined the possibility of China's downfall and Tibetan opportunity for a free country.

JN is not only a literary critic, he is a renowned political commentator, sometimes even transgressing the redline. Undeterred by any minor incidents of hostility and potential mob violence against his unanticipated comments and writings on HH the Dalai Lama's person and entourage , he set up Tibetan weekly newspaper in the early 90s, as a springboard for public discussion on contemporary Tibet issues. The paper become extremely popular, but editor's particular comments relating to the persons of HH the Dalai Lama, backfired. Probably he touched on the nerve of Tibetan people. As result of his open and bold commets, he was not only threatened but hassled in the Dharamsala streets. Elder Tibetan people jeered at him for his unholy comments fueled by rumor mongers . Eventually, "Mangtso' did not survive and subsequently Ani Machen institute lost its lustre.

The other day, in my conversation with a relative in South India, he excitedly reported to me, that JN came to Sera and gave talk to to the monks on the theme of "Rangzen". Surprisingly the monks, majority of them applauded his individual efforts in bringing awareness and education to the Tibetan masses on Rangzen. And of course there are few monks who appeared to be agitated with JN for his off the exile official and the Dalai lama's approach to solve Tibet issues.
True to his words, JN's tour to south India is aimed to reach out to the Tibetans people and remind them that "Rangzen" can not be belittled and forgotten. I believe JN learnt to carefully chose his words when talking of the Dalai Lama. He has finally understands it to his own advantage. For I noticed in his speech, he referred to Gyalwang Ripoche with sincere reverence and veneration. That goes well with the Tibetan people. JN is a true shining star, and he is a practical and action oriented man. Exile Tibetan needs more of such a patriotic and intelligent person and less of political demagogue, who is all talk ,no action.

Honorary citizenship

Tibet may not be recognized as a nation, but Tibet's temporal and spiritual leader the Dalai Lama is recognized as indisputable leader of the six million Tibetan. The upcoming Polish city Warsaw's conferment of honorary citizenship to the Dalai Lama is one of the numerous laurels recognizing Tibet leadership on international stage, unsurpassed by any leaders of a free nation.

Tibetan people across the three provinces in Tibet, tuned in to Tibetan international broadcaster, for this wonderful piece of information. As what is called, opinion leader or community leader in Tibet's rural, remote areas shares news and views of Tibetan in exile, particularly the activities of the Dalai lama to their fellow friends.

Each time when the profile the Dalai Lama's international stature raised high, so is the spirit of the Tibtan people in Tibet. Dalai Lama is almost identical to Tibet nation and Tibetan people. World recognition for the Dalai Lama is a matter of great prestige for the Tibetan people in general and the Tibetan movement in particular.

The Chinese government will expectantly rebuke, threaten polish city Warsaw for consequence with such a open defiance of China's anger. It will be another good media publicity for Tibet issue and probably the in unrest Xijiang. I am sure that media are dying to ask questions to the Dalai lama on events in East Turkistan. The Dalai Lama has tactfully issued an appeal letter to the Chinese government to restrain from their dealing with the uighers and send his prayers for the victims of the violence. But now he will come out into the world stage, in front of media and journalist, and the Dalai Lama needs to be prepared to voice his views and concern on the issues. This is where the Tibetan exile government needs to have a spokesman.

It is as i already wrote ones, a great public relation strategy, and the Tibetan exile government has not issued any formal statement on the Uigher protest, can they remain silent ?. The Dalai Lama has to walk on a tight rope, for both side, the Chinese and the Uigher can both be offended by a slight misstep by the Dalai Lama. His Holiness the Dalai Lama sometimes can be very direct and blunt in his address to the media and several misinterpretation already occurred, that the exile government has to frantically correct, as pointed out in an article by JN.

His Holiness the Dalai lama's foreign tour often bring tremendous attention to the issue ofTibet, and there is sufficient media interest on his charismatic personality and his appealing messages. Tibetan people inside Tibet followed closely, to the news of the Dalai Lama's engagement with Western nations, and this too keep up their hope for an eventual solution for the Tibet issue and to their plight. There is no doubt that after the conferment of the U.S congressional gold medal to HH the Dalai Lama in 2007, Tibetan peoples; hope and spirit were never so upbeat, and it had a ripple effect on the last year's massive protest in Tibet. The Dalai lama's congressional gold medal award DVD is a much sought after watch in Tibet. This simple event ignited the freedom fire of Tibetan people that engulfed the entire three Tibetan provinces.
By offering the honorary citizenship to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the polish people pays their deepest respect to this man of peace, who embrace universal peace and responsibility. It will be an honor for the War city, as stated by city council leader to recognize the Dalai Lama's role for world peace. May, HH the Dalai Lama live 1000 years !!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Ban on Dalai Lama's protrait lifted?

Some of the exile Tibetan news outlets reported that the Dalai Lama's portraits are now allowed to display in some parts of Kham areas in Tibet. International broadcaster attempted to confirm the news, but so far with not much success. However, RFA's stringer Norbu Damdul in Australia learnt from his sources in Tibet, particularly the region, ?(where the ban on Dalai Lama's photo allegedly being lifted), that there was no mention of the Dalai Lama at all in all the meetings held in Kham Juro and Dangron.

Interestedly, a meeting of sort was held in several locality in Kham, where some Tibetan Chinese officials praised the Tibetan tradition and Tibetan language rooted in ancient heritage.
The news initially came from a monk, in South India, who told some exile media, including VOT, which without a second source or cross check, released the information and quoted by Phayul website lavishly.
Given the Chinese government's current vilification against the Dalai Lama, it is impossible that the Chinese would allow to display the Dalai lama's pictures in Tibet. The early report suggested that the Tibetans were very doubtful of the intention of Chinese government officials for such announcement. If ever there was such thing,then it is a 90 degree change of Tibet policy of Chinese government. In the event of such lift on the banned picture of Dalai Lama's , the world has plenty of reasons to advocate the Dalai lama's peaceful campaign for Tibet. This would also encourage more vocal expression and protest inside Tibet. Or Maybe, the Chinese officials testing the water.

Until now the Tibetans have been worshipping the Dalai Lama in secret, and allowing to display means open loyalty and respect , allegiance to the Dalai lama is officially permitted. Interestingly the vice president of Student for Free Tibet, Tendor la said, though he thinks that the information could not be verified, but if it turned to be true, then this policy must the make of a Central Bejing authorities, as he thinks no local authorities would arbitrarily act in such a way.

Just by using our common sense,there are plenty of reasons that the Chinese government either local or central would not lift the ban on the Dalai Lama picture.

1.Dalai Lama is a symbol of Tibetan identity and Tibet nation. Chinese government perceive anything that revive Tibetan identity is a threat to Chinese community party. The curb on Dalai Lama's picture required to be remain, so that the Tibetan masses would be less distracted from their goodwill of the communist party.
2.In the most recent concluded Sino Tibetan round of dialogue, the Chinese delegations boldly and very arrogantly rejected Dalai lama's leadership for the Tibetan people. It is very apparent that the Chinese officials try to downplay the significance of the Dalai lama in the Tibetan people's lives.
3.Dalai Lama in his march 10th, statement hit out against the Chinese goverment's policy, in a harsh tone, by comparing Chinese policy in Tibet brought "a hell on earth". Chinese leaders were seething by such a statement.
4. The Dalai Lama's popularity and influence is gaining in the west by leaps and bound, a exile leader who stay shoulder to shoulder with the leader of the world's most powerful nation, U.S. China has no intention and willing to give credit to the Dalai lama's reputation, by allowing to put back his pictures in Tibetan homes and monastery.
5. The Chinese local leaders, especially the TAR officials were making a living by accusing and attacking the Dalai lama element as separatist, as evidenced in letter and comments by a Tibetan veteran communist, who still live in Bejing. These scavengers , can not afford to lose their bowls by showing lenience to the Dalai Lama.

These are some simple and straightforward reasons, that tolarence to the protrait or any images of the Dalai Lama is impossible under the current Chinese leadership. Scholars and researchers pointed out the glaring fact that the Chinese wait the Dalai Lama to pass away, for as long as the Dalai Lama exist, so will be the importance and high profile of the Tibetan issue to stay intact.
Whether the unconfirmed news of the Dalai lama's banned picture is true and untrue is insignificant. What require to look in to the issue of Dala lama is simply an illustration of the Tibetan people's greatest yearn for freedom and their beloved spiritual leader the Dalai Lama.
The words around the Dalai lama's portrait, could have been circulated reflecting the intensity of Tibetan people's urge to see their leader or be blessed by the very presence of his portraits.

Simply put it is the Tibetan people's illusion.
What knows, if a local Tibetan in Kham, simply forwarded his wishes of Dalai Lama's picture to an exile, who without much thinking, believed it as a hard concret news from Tibet.

What if some Tibetan, just cooked up the information with the hope that the Tibetan people can now pay their respect and homage openly to the Tibetan's god king ?

This information has raised more questions than could possibly be answered.